Презентация, доклад на тему Оценочная деятельность на уроках иностранного языка в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС.

Пример КИМа по английскому языку для 5 класса. Life In The Countryside My cousin lives in the suburbs of a big city Kirov. But she always wanted to spend more time in the countryside. Her

Слайд 1Новокшонова Наталья Георгиевна учитель иностранного языка МКОУ СОШ села Шурмы
Оценочная деятельность

на уроках иностранного языка в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС.
Новокшонова Наталья Георгиевна учитель иностранного языка МКОУ СОШ села ШурмыОценочная деятельность на уроках иностранного языка в соответствии

Слайд 3Пример КИМа по английскому языку для 5 класса.
Life In The


My cousin lives in the suburbs of a big city Kirov. But she always wanted to spend more time in the countryside. Her grandparents live in the village Shurma not far from Urzhum. She often visits them and in summertime. She can stay there for a month or two. Olga enjoys being in the countryside more than in the city.
The countryside in Urzhumskiy district is like a carpet of many colours in spring and summer. The fields, meadows and forests are light green or dark green, and the gardens are beautiful with flowers of all colours : red, blue, yellow and white. In autumn the leaves also impress you its colours. The trees change their colours from green to yellow, brown and red. Autumn is a nice season, too. It is the season of the harvest, the season of beautiful apples. In summer you can see cows, sheep and horses in the meadows. There is a sheep-farm and a cattle-farm in OOO «Druzhba» and a horse- farm in OOO «Rozhdestvenskoe» in Shurma.
My cousin’s grandparents own a small country house at the edge of the village. It is an old-fashioned, wooden house with traditional Russian ornaments in it. There is a spacious garden and a chicken coop behind the house. Olga’s grandparents keep a dozen of chickens, a goat and a pig. They will supply them with fresh eggs, milk and meat every day.
Пример КИМа по английскому языку для 5 класса. Life In The Countryside  My cousin lives in

Слайд 4 They also like to plant many fruit trees and

colourful flowers around their house. The people who live in Shurma grow vegetables and various kinds of fruit. They have domestic animals: cows, pigs, sheep, goats. You can see poultry there — hens, cocks, ducks, geese and turkeys. So they try to have everything they need to live well.
Life in the city is boring for my cousin. It consists of school and several friends. Whereas in Shurma she can swim in the local river Vyatka, pick berries and mushrooms, help her grandparents with the garden, go for a walk in the woods, read a book under the shed, go camping with friends and do many other interesting activities. Olga really enjoys spending her weekends and holidays in Shurma. She’d like to have a house in the countryside instead of a city flat. The best thing about living in the countryside is the fresh air and relaxing atmosphere. But the the most important problem in the countryside is to find a good job. And also Shurma needs for new houses, a new club and a road.
They also like to plant many fruit trees and colourful flowers around their house. The

Слайд 5Задания по тексту.
1. Для каждого слова из первого столбца найдите верное

толкование его значения из второго столбца, обозначенное буквой:
сountryside а) снабжать
local b) грибы
shed с) свежий
mushrooms d) местный
supply е) деревня
fresh f) сарай

2. В двух предложениях содержатся ошибочные утверждения. Укажите их.
Life in the city is not boring for my cousin. It consists of school and several
friends. Whereas in Shurma she can swim in the local river Urzhumka, pick
berries and mushrooms, help her grandparents with the garden, go for a walk
in the woods, read a book under the shed, go camping with friends and do
many other interesting activities.

Задания по тексту.1. Для каждого слова из первого столбца найдите верное толкование его

Слайд 63. Выберите из перечня слова, соотносящиеся с жизнью в сельской местности:

enjoy, boring, supply, railway station, work, stuffy, agricultural machines, industry, relaxing.

4. На какой вопрос нельзя ответить используя информацию из текста.
a) Where does Olga’s grandparents live?
b) What kind of furniture is there in grandparents’ house?
c) How does Olga spend her summertime in Shurma?

5. Найдите предложения в тексте, которые могут быть опущены без ущерба для содержания текста.

3. Выберите из перечня слова, соотносящиеся с жизнью в сельской местности: enjoy, boring, supply, railway station, work,

Слайд 76. К какой иллюстрации интерьера в деревенском стиле можно отнести следующую

лексику: antique chest of drawers, wood burning stove, lace tablecloth, wicker basket, white carved chairs, samovar.




6. К какой иллюстрации интерьера в деревенском стиле можно отнести следующую лексику: antique chest of drawers, wood

Слайд 8Спасибо за внимание!

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