Презентация, доклад на тему Открытый урок в 5 классе по теме Степени сравнения прилагательных

CompareShakira -1977(birth year) Beyonce - 1981(birth year) 157cm(height) 165 cm(height)

Слайд 1Adjectives: degrees of comparison

Adjectives: degrees of comparison

Слайд 2Compare
Shakira -1977(birth year) Beyonce - 1981(birth year)

165 cm(height)
CompareShakira -1977(birth year) Beyonce - 1981(birth year) 157cm(height)         165

Слайд 4Say who is…
the sportiest
the most generous
the most

the most hardworking
the oldest
the youngest
the funniest
Say who is…the  sportiestthe  most  generousthe  most  talkativethe  most  hardworkingthe

Слайд 5Check
cousin Joe
uncle Fred
brother Mike
cousin Jen
sister Sue

Checkcousin Joeuncle Fredbrother Mikemumgreat-grandmacousin Jensister Sue

Слайд 7The smallest bat in the world weighs 2 grams.
A snake is

longer than an iguana.
The longest snake in the world is 10 m long.
A blue whale is the biggest animal in the world. It weighs 180 tonnes. It is heavier than an elephant.
An ostrich is the fastest bird in the world. It can run 65 kmh.
A giraffe is taller than a hippo.
A dolphin is more intelligent than a penguin.
A snake is more dangerous than an iguana.
A man is slower than a hippo.
The smallest bat in the world weighs 2 grams.A snake is longer than an iguana.The longest snake

Слайд 8Thank you for the lesson!

Thank you for the lesson!

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