Презентация, доклад на тему Открытый урок по английскому языку в 3 А классе (презентация)

We like to go to the countryWhen Saturday comesI like to stay there togetherWith my brother, Dad and Mum.

Слайд 1

November, 25
Family Moments!

Слайд 2

We like to go to the country
When Saturday comes
I like to

stay there together
With my brother, Dad and Mum.

We like to go to the countryWhen Saturday comesI like to stay there togetherWith my brother, Dad

Слайд 3

We like to go to the …
When Saturday …
I like to

stay there …
With my brother, … and …

We like to go to the …When Saturday …I like to stay there …With my brother, …

Слайд 4

We like to … .. ...

When Saturday …
I like to … … …
With my …, … … ….

We like to … .. ... …..    When Saturday

Слайд 5

We ………………………..
I …………………………..

We ………………………..When……………………..I …………………………..With………………………

Слайд 6 Name

the words.

Name the words.

Слайд 7
Translate from English into Russian.
I`ve got a sister.
My father`s name is

My brother is nine.
My mother is beautiful.

Translate from English into Russian.I`ve got a sister.My father`s name is Ivan.My brother is nine.My mother is

Слайд 8
Translate from Russian into English.
младшая сестра
старший брат
хорошая бабушка
моя семья
красивая мама

Translate from Russian into English.младшая сестрастарший братхорошая бабушкамоя семьякрасивая мама

Слайд 9Make up sentences.
have got/ I/ a mother.
he/ has got/ a father.

got/ she/ a brother.
love/ I/ my family.
we/ a grandmother/ have got.

Make up sentences.have got/ I/ a mother.he/ has got/ a father.has got/ she/ a brother.love/ I/ my

Слайд 10Checking up homework
Fill in the letters.
b_ _ _ _ _ r

_ _ _ _ _ r
s_ _ _ _ r
f _ _ _ _ r
gr _ _ _ m_ _ _ _ r
gr_ _ _ f_ _ _ _ r
f_ _ _ ly

Checking up homeworkFill in the letters.b_ _ _ _ _ rm _ _ _ _ _ rs_

Слайд 11Checking up homework.
Speak about your family!

Checking up homework.Speak about your family!

Слайд 12P.E. minute

P.E. minute

Слайд 13Grammar

Possessive Pronouns


GrammarPossessive PronounsCards

Слайд 14
1.my family
2.his Mum
3.her Dad
4.our brother
5.your sister
6.their grandma

1.my family2.his Mum3.her Dad4.our brother5.your sister6.their grandma

Слайд 15Group work

Group work

Слайд 16


My 1)_____ is Ben. I am from Australia. I`ve got a big 2)_______.
This is my 3)______ and mother. Their 4)_____ are Helen and Ted.
I haven`t got any brothers, but I`ve got three 5)_______! This is my
big sister, her name is Becky. Minnie and Meg are the names of my
6)_______ sisters. They`re very 7)______! And this is our 8)______.
It`s a dog. His name is Spot. He`s 9)______ and white. We are a
_______ family!

Слайд 17 My name is Ben. I am from Australia.

I`ve got a big family.
This is my father and mother. Their names are Helen and Ted.
I haven`t got any brothers, but I`ve got three sisters! This is my big sister, her name is Becky. Minnie and Meg are the names of my little sisters. They`re very funny!
And this is our pet. It`s a dog. His name is Spot. He`s black and white.
We are a happy family!

My name is Ben. I am from Australia. I`ve got a big family.

Слайд 18
1.Ben is from Africa.
2.Ben has got a small family.
3.Ben`s parents are

Helen and Ted.
4.Ben has got three brothers.
5.Ben hasn`t got a pet.
6. They are a happy family.

Yes/No1.Ben is from Africa.2.Ben has got a small family.3.Ben`s parents are Helen and Ted.4.Ben has got three

Слайд 19 Choose the correct answer.
How many sisters has

Ben got?
2. What are his sisters names?
Becky, Minnie and Meg
Ted and Helen
Minnie and Meg
3. What pet have they got?
A cat
a dog
a goldfish

Choose the correct answer.How many sisters has Ben got?1 2 32. What are

Слайд 20 Name the missing word.

Name the missing word.

Слайд 21Reciting poems

Reciting poems

Слайд 22Listen and fill in the necessary words.
Then sing along.

Listen and fill in the necessary words.Then sing along.

Слайд 23 Find 5 words in the table

Find 5 words in the table

Слайд 24 Name the odd word

1.Mum, Dad, friend,

2.father, grandfather, sister, brother.
3.Sam, Ted, Dolly, Jack.
4.sister, mother, aunt, uncle.

Name the odd word1.Mum, Dad, friend, grandma.2.father, grandfather, sister, brother.3.Sam, Ted, Dolly,

Слайд 25Find the pairs of words with the same meaning


a) Dad
grandmother b) Mum
grandfather c) grandma
father d) grandpa

Find the pairs of words with the same meaningmother        a)

Слайд 26 This lesson we:
Reviewed the

words, the grammar material, spoke about our families, read the text, recited poems, sang the song.

We`re ready to write the test.
This lesson we:Reviewed the words, the grammar material, spoke about

Слайд 27 Homework :

- Student`s Book p. 38-39

Homework : - Student`s Book p. 38-39

Слайд 28Well done, children!

Well done, children!

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