The heart has four chambers – two Atria and two ventricles. Between the Atria and ventricles located butterfly valves, and the output from the ventricles into the arteries – the semilunar valves. Muscular wall of the ventricles much thicker than the walls of Atria.
2. Contraction (systole) of the ventricles.
Lasts about 0.3 s. The Atria are relaxed, the flap valves are closed, semilunar valves are open. The blood from the ventricle enters the pulmonary artery and aorta.
The optimum mode of work of heart:
the Atria work with the rest 0.1 and 0.7, and the ventricles work 0.3 s and 0.5 s. rest
Сardiac cycle
Automaticity – the ability of the heart to contract without external stimuli is influenced by impulses that arise in him.
Automaticity of the heart muscle provides the order of phases of the cardiac cycle.
Humoral regulation of heart activity is provided by the substances circulating in the blood
Inhibit the functioning of the heart
acetylcholine; potassium ions;
Nervous and humoral regulation is a common mechanism of regulation of work of heart. Intensity changes of the heart, the frequency and strength of cardiac contractions under the influence of impulses coming from the CNS and blood of biologically active substances. The sequence of the phases of the cardiac cycle does not change.
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