Презентация, доклад на тему Необычные занятия в свободное время

Some people like doing unusual free time activities. By unusual activities we are refering to those activities that are not commonly known by us, or that we find too odd and weird. Those activities people do that are strange to

Слайд 1Unusual free-time
Презентация выполнена : учитель
английского языка Лебедева Р.В.

Unusual free-time activitiesПрезентация выполнена : учитель английского языка Лебедева Р.В.

Слайд 2Some people like doing unusual free time activities. By unusual activities

we are refering to those activities that are not commonly known by us, or that we find too odd and weird. Those activities people do that are strange to our eyes and could produce a feeling of uneasiness in us.
Some people like doing unusual free time activities. By unusual activities we are refering to those activities

Parkour, as seen in the video, is a

gimnastic-like. It is not strikted to urban places, it can also be done in rural locations. It consist in a phisical work, using every muscle in your body you can jump from various heights and climb walls.
Equipment: light clothes, comfortable running/sports shoes, and luck.
PARKOUR AND FREE RUNNINGParkour, as seen in the video, is a gimnastic-like. It is not strikted to

Слайд 4Geocaching
Is a real life treasure hunting using GPS or other electronic device that

can be use to track a location. The "player" or participant is given a set of coordinates and he/she must go to that location to find the object hidden somewhere in that location. The idea is to go find an object (will be at a container), and once found it replace it with an object of your choice, so then other people can go to the location to find the "treasure". it can be any object.

Слайд 5Taphophilia
 Is a particular interests in cementeries. So the hobbie will mainly

consist in going to cementeries and read the gravestines, take walks admiring the environmente, and the such.
Taphophilia Is a particular interests in cementeries. So the hobbie will mainly consist in going to cementeries and

Слайд 6Cryptozoology   It is the study and the "hunting" of creatures that

their existence is dubious. Creatures that have not yet proven that they exist. An example would be: The seeking of Big Foot (USA) or the Loch Ness Monster (UK).
Cryptozoology   It is the study and the

Слайд 7Paint your Dog
It is an increasing hobby in China, the dogs

owners dye their dogs hair so they can appear to be another animal. It is not necessary for it to be a realistic animal.       It may work with robbers at night time. They will enter the house thinking is all a joke, and then bang! the tiger appears.
Paint your DogIt is an increasing hobby in China, the dogs owners dye their dogs hair so

Слайд 8Think of other types of
unusual free times activities

Think of other types of unusual free times activities

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