Презентация, доклад на тему Название разработки:What should you do in a drought?

What is the disaster?Drought is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water.

Слайд 1What should you do in a drought?
Автор: Кононова Анна Владимировна,

«Кольского агропромышленного колледжа»

г.Кола, Мурманская область

What should you do in a drought?Автор: Кононова Анна Владимировна, преподаватель ГАОУ МО СПО «Кольского агропромышленного колледжа»г.Кола,

Слайд 2What is the disaster?
Drought is a long period of dry weather

when there is not enough water.
What is the disaster?Drought is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water.

Слайд 3Why is drought dangerous?
Kill animals
Kill fish
Kill people
Hurt nature

Why is drought dangerous?Kill animalsKill fishKill peopleHurt nature

Слайд 4Go to high elevation.
Try to find a mountain. If you find

a mountain, climb to the top. There will probably be a stream, small pond or snow.

What should you do in a drought?

Go to high elevation.Try to find a mountain. If you find a mountain, climb to the top.

Слайд 5Try to find a tree. If you find a tree (works

best with oak) try scouring the land near it so that you can maybe find moss to soak up the water supply to the plant.

Try to find a lake.

Try to find a tree. If you find a tree (works best with oak) try scouring the

Слайд 6What are preventive measures of drought?
1. Grow more trees
3. We should

indulge in rain water harvesting
5. Spraying water on the base of the plants so that less water is used
7. Build a canal to divert water
9. Put more wells and tube wells

2. Develop irrigation facilities by building dams
4. Save water to prevent drought
6. Growing drought resistant crops like millets, maize and sorghum
8. Store water for future generations
10. Store water when get a good rainfall

What are preventive measures of drought? 1. Grow more trees3. We should indulge in rain water harvesting5.

Слайд 7The Earth is a beautiful place to live on. Take care

The Earth is a beautiful place to live on.   Take care of THE PLANET!

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