Презентация, доклад на тему NATURAL DISASTERS

droughta period of time with no rain



Слайд 2drought
a period of time with no rain

droughta period of time with no rain

Слайд 3flood
large amount of water that covers an area which is usually



floodlarge amount of water that covers an area which is usually dry[flʌd]

Слайд 4tornado
a violent wind storm which consists of a tall column of

air spinning around very fast
tornadoa violent wind storm which consists of a tall column of air spinning around very fast

Слайд 5tsunami
a huge wave caused by an earthquake which flows onto

tsunami a huge wave caused by an earthquake which flows onto land

Слайд 6earthquake
a shaking of the ground

earthquakea shaking of the ground

Слайд 7cyclone
a violent tropical storm in which the air goes round and

cyclonea violent tropical storm in which the air goes round and round

Слайд 8avalanche 
a large mass of snow falling down

avalanche a large mass of snow falling down

Слайд 9hurrican
an extremely violent wind or storm

hurricanan extremely violent wind or storm

Слайд 10THANK YOU!


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