Презентация, доклад на тему LONDON ‒ THE CAPITAL OF THE UNITED KINGDOM


Слайд 1Трунина Татьяна Витальевна
Студентка ГБПОУ СПО «Чапаевский губернский колледж Им. О.Колычева»

Дошкольное образование II курс
Руководитель: Агеева Елена Владимировна

III Всероссийский конкурс
мультимедийных презентаций на иностранном языке
«Страны изучаемого языка – вчера, сегодня, завтра»
для студентов СПО

Трунина  Татьяна  ВитальевнаСтудентка ГБПОУ СПО «Чапаевский губернский колледж Им. О.Колычева» Специальность: 44.02.01Дошкольное образование II курсРуководитель:



Слайд 3Table of contents
The journey starts
English bus
Trafalgar Square
The Tower of London
The Houses

of parliament
Big Ben
St. Paul's cathedral
Buckingham Palace
Westminster Abbey
Red telephone box
Cadbury Chocolate
Table of contentsThe journey startsEnglish busTrafalgar SquareThe Tower of LondonThe Houses of parliamentBig BenSt. Paul's cathedralBuckingham PalaceWestminster

Слайд 4Let’s travel through London

Let’s travel through London

Слайд 5First, let’s travel in London on a double-decker bus.

First, let’s travel in London on a double-decker bus.

Слайд 6Trafalgar Square is a famous place where people gather to meet.

There are large fountains, waterfalls, and big statues to see.
Trafalgar Square is a famous place where people gather to meet. There are large fountains, waterfalls, and

Слайд 7The London Tower Bridge is a very famous bridge.

The London Tower Bridge is a very famous bridge.

Слайд 8The Houses of Parliament, is the Supreme legislative authority of Great

The Houses of Parliament, is the Supreme legislative authority of Great Britain.

Слайд 9Big Ben is a famous 316 foot tower that has a

clock on it. It was named after a man called Sir Benjamin Hall. He was in charge of building it.
Big Ben is a famous 316 foot tower that has a clock on it. It was named

Слайд 10St. Paul's cathedral. Anglican Cathedral, dedicated to the apostle Paul. Located

on a hill Ludgate Hill, the highest point in London; It is the seat of the Bishop of London
St. Paul's cathedral. Anglican Cathedral, dedicated to the apostle Paul. Located on a hill Ludgate Hill, the

Слайд 11Buckingham Palace is where the Queen of England lives. It has

many rooms and is decorated with lots of expensive things.
Buckingham Palace is where the Queen of England lives. It has many rooms and is decorated with

Слайд 12Outside of the Buckingham Palace, there are guards that act like

soldiers. The guards are very serious about their job. They are not allowed to talk to anyone. Every day at the same time they change places with a new set of guards. This is done very neatly and organized.
Outside of the Buckingham Palace, there are guards that act like soldiers. The guards are very serious

Слайд 13Westminster Abbey. Gothic church in Westminster. According to the ancient tradition,

all the English kings and queens were crowned and married here.
Westminster Abbey.  Gothic church in Westminster. According to the ancient tradition, all the English kings and

Слайд 14Westminster Abbey is the place where many outstanding Englishmen are buried,

among them well-known poets, writers, scientists, statesmen, painters and many others.
Westminster Abbey is the place where many outstanding Englishmen are buried, among them well-known poets, writers, scientists,

Слайд 15Red telephone box. One of the «small» but very popular attractions.

Red telephone box. One of the «small» but very popular attractions.

Слайд 16At Last... London is famous for Cadbury Chocolate bars and eggs.

Take a break from traveling and have a delicious candy bar!
At Last... London is famous for Cadbury Chocolate bars and eggs. Take a break from traveling and

Слайд 17Список литературы
Страноведение: Великобритания / Радовель В. А. (см. стр. 89-109)
Английский язык

онлайн бесплатно! Изучение английского самостоятельно онлайн [http://en365.ru/westminster_abbey.htm]: [инф. материал]
Собор Святого Павла [https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Собор_Святого_Павла]: [инф. материал]
Вестминстерское аббатство [https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Вестминстерское_аббатство]: [инф. материал]
Биг-Бен [https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Биг-Бен]: [инф. материал]
Блог об изучении английского языка [http://oneyear.ru/2011/12/15/the-houses-of-parliament-–-tekst-na-anglijskom-i-russkoe-opisanie/]: [инф. материал]
Список литературыСтрановедение: Великобритания / Радовель В. А. (см. стр. 89-109)Английский язык онлайн бесплатно! Изучение английского самостоятельно онлайн

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