Презентация, доклад на тему Lesson Theme: Christaphor Columbus

Famous travelerAims :1. Poster work;2. Vocabulary work;3. Puzzle;4. To throw rubbish;5. Read text;6. Sing a song;7. Present simple;

Слайд 1№48 secondary school
Christopher Columbus. The Discovery of America

№48 secondary school Christopher Columbus. The Discovery of America

Слайд 2Famous traveler
Aims :
1. Poster work;
2. Vocabulary work;
3. Puzzle;
4. To throw rubbish;

Read text;
6. Sing a song;
7. Present simple;

Famous travelerAims :1. Poster work;2. Vocabulary work;3. Puzzle;4. To throw rubbish;5. Read text;6. Sing a song;7. Present

Слайд 3Vocabulary
Voyage- [voidᵹ] теңіз жүзушісі
Fauna –[fauna] фауна- жануар
Continent- [kontinent] материк
Explorer -[iks’plo:ra]

Sail -[seil] желкен
Place –[pleis] орын
Military [militri] әскери

Vocabulary Voyage- [voidᵹ] теңіз жүзушісіFauna –[fauna] фауна- жануарContinent- [kontinent] материкExplorer -[iks’plo:ra] ізденушіSail -[seil] желкенPlace –[pleis] орынMilitary [militri]

Слайд 5
The word America comes from

Amerigo Vespucci, who was an Italian sailor, like Columbus.

America is the name of the continents – North America and South America.
These two continents, North America and South America, form the part of the world called America.

The word America comes from Amerigo Vespucci, who was an Italian

Слайд 6Christopher Columbus
was born in Italy
He lived in Spain
for a

long time

Christopher Columbus was a seaman and made many sea voyages.

Columbus Day. October,12

Christopher Columbus was born in ItalyHe lived in Spain for a long timeChristopher Columbus was a seaman

Слайд 7
Columbus bought three ships called The Pinta, The Nina,

and The Santa Marie.

Artwork of the 15th Century explorer Christopher Columbus' ship the Pinta.

He decided to sail west as he was sure that our planet was round.

Columbus bought three ships called The Pinta, The Nina, and The Santa Marie.Artwork of the

Слайд 8Columbus not only discovered a New World, but he led the

way for other explorers.

He had not found India.  But in fact a new land. Land that is now known as North America.

Two days later they saw land; an island Columbus named San Salvador. He thought he had found the Indies and called the people he saw there "Indians".

It was America – Central America .
People began to speak about
he land as “the New World”.

Columbus not only discovered a New World, but he led the way for other explorers. He had

Слайд 9Present simple & past simple
Yesterday at 3 o’clock Colin was reading

a book.
Do most people in your street put their litter in the litter bin?
c. Does the law punish people who throw litter on the street?
d. Do those people pay a fine?
Yesterday at 2 o’clock Colin was playing tennis.
Present simple & past simpleYesterday at 3 o’clock Colin was reading a book.Do most people in your

Слайд 10The End

The End

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