Презентация, доклад на тему Книжный магазин

Clothes shopBook storeToy shopOptician’sSports shopChemist’sJeweller’sElectronics shop

Слайд 1Shops


Слайд 2Clothes shop
Book store
Toy shop
Sports shop
Electronics shop

Clothes shopBook storeToy shopOptician’sSports shopChemist’sJeweller’sElectronics shop

Слайд 3A can

be useful to do these math problems.
She didn’t use a , so the lines aren’t straight on the paper.
It’s time for the test . Please put all of your things away in your .
Please do your homework on a clean of paper.
Where can I a dictionary like that one?

pick up









pick up

A          can be useful to do these math

Слайд 41.What did the young man buy at the bookstore?
A. notebooks, pencils,

and one eraser
B. three books, pens and an eraser
C. some paper, five pencils, and an eraser
2. The son says he carries two smart phones because
A. one of them doesn’t work very well
B. his iPhone is broken
C. he stays in touch with different people
3. What else does the son have with him?
A. a jacket
B. suntan lotion
C. food

1.What did the young man buy at the bookstore?A. notebooks, pencils, and one eraserB. three books, pens

Слайд 5 4. How did he pay for everything?
A. in cash
B. with a

credit card
C. by check

5. About when does the conversation take place?

A. in January
B. in March
C. in June
4. How did he pay for everything? A. in cashB. with a credit cardC. by

Слайд 7What did the young man buy at the bookstore ?

notebooks, pencils, and one eraser
B. three books, pens, and an eraser
C. some paper, five pencils, and an eraser

The son says he carries two smart phones because

A. one of them doesn’t work very well
B. his iPhone is broken
C. he stays in touch with different people

What else does the son have with him ?

A. a jacket
B. suntan lotion
C. food

What did the young man buy at the bookstore ? A. notebooks, pencils, and one eraser B.

Слайд 8How did he pay for everything ?
A. in cash

with a credit card
C. by check

About when does the conversation take place ?

A. in January
B. in March
C. in June

How did he pay for everything ? A. in cash B. with a credit card C. by

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