Презентация, доклад на тему История и достопримечательности США

Слайд 1


THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA HistoryGeographyCitiesSights

Слайд 2 Who discovered America?

Who discovered America?

Слайд 3Official name: The United States of America

A federal republic, an union of 50 states
Area: 9,364,000 squ. km.
Population: about 250 mln. people (2006)
Capital: Washington, D.C.

Official name: The United States of America
Status: A federal republic, an union of 50 states
Area: 9,364,000 squ. km.
Population: about 250 mln. people (2006)
Capital: Washington, D.C.

Official name:    The United States of AmericaStatus:

Слайд 4The flag of the United States is called “The Stars and


The 50 stars white on the blue field represent the 50 States and the 13 stripes represent the 13 original English colonies.

The flag of the United States is called “The Stars and Stripes”.The 50 stars white on the

Слайд 5Washington is the capital of the


George Washington was the first American President and his name was given to the capital of the young nation.
George Washington, “the father
of his country”.
He was an example of bravery and
approved the fight against slavery.
General Henry Li wrote : “Washington
was first in war, first in peace and
first in the hearts of his countrymen”.

Washington is the capital of the       USA.George Washington was the first

Слайд 6 The United States of America is the fourth

largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada and China). It is situated in the central part of the North American Continent. It also includes Alaska and Hawaii. The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south. The total area of the country is more than nine million square kilometers. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico in the east. Washington DC (District of Columbia) is the capital of the country and the seat of the government.

It is situated in the central part of the North American Continent. It also includes Alaska and Hawaii. The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico on the south. The total area of the country is more than nine million square kilometers.

The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada and China). It is situated in the central part of the North American Continent. It also includes Alaska and Hawaii. The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south. The total area of the country is more than nine million square kilometers. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico in the east. Washington DC (District of Columbia) is the capital of the country and the seat of the government.

The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after

Слайд 7
Head of the State is the President, who is elected every

four years.

Head of the State is the President, who is elected every four years.

Слайд 8There are many parks, gardens and beautiful buildings, such as

White House

the Capitol

the National Gallery of Art

There are many parks, gardens and beautiful buildings, such as the White Housethe Capitolthe National Gallery of

Слайд 9The White House
is the home of the President.
Here the President lives

and works.The White House is a large building. It has 132 rooms. All presidents except G.Washington lived there.
The White Houseis the home of the President.Here the President lives and works.The White House is a

Слайд 10The United States Capitol
is the seat of Congress.
It stands on the

Capitol Hill.

It is interesting to know that the Capitol is the highest building in Washington. There is a law not to build houses higher than the Capitol. No building in the city may be more than 40 meters high.

There are no sky-scrapes in Washington.

The United States Capitolis the seat of Congress.It stands on the Capitol Hill.  It is interesting

Слайд 11The Statue of Liberty.
At the entrance to New York Harbour you

can see a great statue which is called the Statue of Liberty. It is 46 meters high.
The Statue was designed by Bartholdy, a French sculptor, who worked ten years at it. In 1876 the statue was taken to pieces and shipped across the Atlantic as a gift from the French government to the USA for its democratic views.

The figure shows a young woman. She holds a tour in her right hand above her head and a tablet with the date “July 4th, 1776” in her left hand.

The Statue of Liberty.At the entrance to New York Harbour you can see a great statue which

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