Презентация, доклад на тему Interesting facts about Great Britain

York is recognized as the most populous ghost town in Europe.

Слайд 1Great Britain

Great Britain

Слайд 2York is recognized as the most populous ghost town in Europe.

York is recognized as the most populous ghost town in Europe.

Слайд 3 According to the traditions and customs of Great Britain, a whole

dynasty of so-called Black Crows is raised on the territory of the Tower of London. According to the old custom, if the crows leave the Tower, the monarchy will end. That is why birds are cut wings.
According to the traditions and customs of Great Britain, a whole dynasty of so-called Black Crows

Слайд 4Edinburgh was the first city in the world to have its

own fire service.
Edinburgh was the first city in the world to have its own fire service.

Слайд 5A distinctive feature of the British subway can be called the

fact that not only the lines on the schemes, but also the cars of different lines are painted in the corresponding colors.
A distinctive feature of the British subway can be called the fact that not only the lines

Слайд 6In England, police are called bobby. The word comes from the

name of the British Prime Minister - Robert Peel (abbr. From Robert - Bob or Bobby).
In England, police are called bobby. The word comes from the name of the British Prime Minister

Слайд 7In Britain, children start school at 4-5 years of age, attending

a Primary School. Then they go through several stages of education to 16-18 years.
In Britain, children start school at 4-5 years of age, attending a Primary School. Then they go

Слайд 8Irish, Scots and Welsh are very proud of their countries and

roots and do not like being called British.
Irish, Scots and Welsh are very proud of their countries and roots and do not like being

Слайд 9In the UK there is a profession standing in a queue.

In the UK there is a profession standing in a queue.

Слайд 10UK restaurants usually require visitors to pay in cash.

UK restaurants usually require visitors to pay in cash.

Слайд 11It is considered bad form to come to visit the British

without an invitation. If the owner of the house did not make an appointment, he can easily slam the door in front of the intruder’s guest.
It is considered bad form to come to visit the British without an invitation. If the owner

Слайд 12If you speak English poorly, you will be given a compliment

that you speak quite well. If you begin to object, they will tell you that their Russian is definitely worse.
If you speak English poorly, you will be given a compliment that you speak quite well. If

Слайд 13The British are almost not interested in politics, they are very

surprised Russian jokes on this topic. But English humor is quite specific, it is very difficult to understand it for a person of a different nationality.
The British are almost not interested in politics, they are very surprised Russian jokes on this topic.

Слайд 14The British are very polite, they constantly apologize for the smallest

offenses. And at the time of purchase, the seller can thank you up to 7 times. Very sensibility is added to this upbringing - if you do not apologize for the occasional push in the transport, you may be told that you are very poorly educated. Often, even if they disagree with you, they will say politely "Oh, I'm afraid". The Englishman will never say a sharp "No, you're wrong".
The British are very polite, they constantly apologize for the smallest offenses. And at the time of

Слайд 15Before Christmas, meat pies and sweet cakes are missing from the

shops of British stores - the last day of the fast should be especially strictly observed.
Before Christmas, meat pies and sweet cakes are missing from the shops of British stores - the

Слайд 16Ugly words in Britain are not officially something terrible and illegal.

Ugly words in Britain are not officially something terrible and illegal.

Слайд 17The End

The End

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