Презентация, доклад на тему Интерактивная игра к уроку The Little Red Hen

Q: Who sees the seeds?A. DuckB. DogC. The Little Red HenD. Cat



Слайд 2Q: Who sees the seeds?

A. Duck
B. Dog
C. The Little Red Hen

Q: Who sees the seeds?A. DuckB. DogC. The Little Red HenD. Cat

Слайд 3Q: Who helps the Little Red Hen plant the seeds?
A. Cat

The little chicks

C. Pig

D. Duck

Q: Who helps the Little Red Hen plant the seeds?A. CatB. The little chicksC. PigD. Duck

Слайд 4Q: Who helps the Little Red Hen make bread?
A. Duck
B. Pig


D. The little chicks

Q: Who helps the Little Red Hen make bread?A. DuckB. PigC. CatD. The little chicks

Слайд 5Q: Who likes to swim?
A.The little chicks
B. Duck
C. Dog
D. Cat

Q: Who likes to swim?A.The little chicksB. DuckC. DogD. Cat

Слайд 6Q: Who eats the bread?
A.Duck, dog and cat
B. Dog , cat

and goat

C. The Little Red Hen and
her chicks

D. Dog, cat and pig

Q: Who eats the bread?A.Duck, dog and catB. Dog , cat and goatC. The Little Red Hen

Слайд 7Q: How many chicks has the Little Red Hen got?
A. one


C. two

D. three

Q: How many chicks has the Little Red Hen got?A. oneB. fiveC. twoD. three

Слайд 8Q: Who are The Little Red Hen’s friends?
A. The cat, the

dog, and the pig.

B. The cat, the chicks and the dog.

C. The cat, the frog and the dog.

D. The cat, the dog and the duck.

Q: Who are The Little Red Hen’s friends?A. The cat, the dog, and the pig.B. The cat,

Слайд 9Q: How many seeds has the Little Red Hen got?
A. Three


C. Five

D. None

Q: How many seeds has the Little Red Hen got?A. ThreeB. ManyC. FiveD. None

Слайд 10Q: What does the hen want to do with the seeds?

To plant

B. To eat

C. To get

D. To make

Q: What does the hen want to do with the seeds?A. To plantB. To eatC. To getD.

Слайд 11Congratulations!


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