Презентация, доклад на тему How to Compare and Contrast the Two Pictures

Tip 1During the preparation time, figure out the topic both pictures are devoted to. This will help you to come up with ideas and stick to the point.NOTE!!! The topic is usually mentioned in the plan!!!Say

Слайд 1How to Compare and Contrast Photos
Study the two photographs. In two

minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs.

give a brief description of the photographs (action, location)
say what the pictures have in common
say in what way the pictures are different
say which way of spending time with your family you’d prefer
explain why
You will speak for not more than two minutes (12-15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

How to Compare and Contrast PhotosStudy the two photographs. In two minutes be ready to compare and

Слайд 2Tip 1
During the preparation time, figure out the topic both pictures

are devoted to. This will help you to come up with ideas and stick to the point.
NOTE!!! The topic is usually mentioned in the plan!!!
Say which way of spending time with your family you’d prefer.

Tip 1During the preparation time, figure out the topic both pictures are devoted to. This will help

Слайд 3Introduction
Продумываем вступительную часть. Не делайте большое вступление. Одного-двух предложений будет достаточно.

Вам нужно будет сказать два-три предложения на каждый пункт плана, поэтому, если вступление будет большим, Вам не хватит времени закончить свой монолог. В данном задании вступление можeт быть таким:
I am going to compare and contrast these two pictures. The very first impression I have looking at them is …(positive, negative, good, bad, favourable, pleasant).
IntroductionПродумываем вступительную часть. Не делайте большое вступление. Одного-двух предложений будет достаточно. Вам нужно будет сказать два-три предложения

Слайд 4Give a brief description of the photos (action, location)

Начинайте описание

после вводной фразы, которая определяет общую тему фотографий:
I’d like to point out right at the beginning that the theme that relates these two photos is spending time with family.

Отвечая на первый вопрос,
используйте одну из фраз:

In the first picture I can see…/
The first picture shows…/
In the second picture I can see…
The second picture shows…

I can see whom doing where

Give a brief description of the photos (action, location) Начинайте описание после вводной фразы, которая определяет общую

Слайд 5Give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
I’ d like

to start by saying that the theme that relates these two photos is spending time with family. The first picture shows a boy and his grandfather watching something on TV or on the screen of a computer at home. In the second picture I can see a family of five who are posing for their photo in the open air. They are probably, in a ski resort.

Give a brief description of the photos (action, location)I’ d like to start by saying that the

Слайд 6Say what the pictures have in common
Отвечая на второй пункт плана,

используй следующие фразы-клише:

these two photos have more similarities than differences.
these two photos have a lot (something/ a little) in common.

A striking similarity is…
The main similarity between these two photos is…
Another/An additional similarity is…
Firstly,… Secondly,… Thirdly,… Finally,…

Say what the pictures have in common Отвечая на второй пункт плана, используй следующие фразы-клише:these two photos

Слайд 7Say what the pictures have in common
As far as I can

judge, these two photos have something in common. A striking similarity is that both pictures show people spending their free time. An additional similarity is that in P1 and P2 I can see family members of different generations.

Say what the pictures have in commonAs far as I can judge, these two photos have something

Слайд 8Say in what way the pictures are different
Отвечая на третий пункт

плана, используй следующие фразы-клише:

Say in what way the pictures are different Отвечая на третий пункт плана, используй следующие фразы-клише:

Слайд 9Say in what way the pictures are different
However, these two photos

differ from each other. A more subtle difference between photo 1 and photo 2 that I can see is a number of people. In photo 1 I can see only two people, a boy and his grandfather, whereas in photo two I can see an extended family which consists of children, parents and a grandparent. An additional difference is the pace where the photos were taken. In the first photo the people are at home in cozy atmosphere while people in the second photo are in the open air. The
atmosphere is cheerful in the
second photo.

Say in what way the pictures are different However, these two photos differ from each other. A

Слайд 10Say which way of spending time with your family you’d prefer. Explain


!!! !!! !!!
Say which way of spending time with your family you’D PREFER. Explain why.
Say which way of spending time with your family you PREFER. Explain why.
• Say which way of spending time with your family you PREFERRED IN YOUR CHILDHOOD. Explain why.

Say which way of spending time with your family you’d prefer. Explain why. !!!						!!!						!!!Say which way of

Слайд 11Say which way of spending time with your family you’d prefer. Explain


To draw to a close I’d like to say that I’d prefer to spend time with my family in an active way as it is depicted in P1. That is because of some reasons. Firstly, in our everyday life we spend almost all our free time sitting at home watching TV or doing what everyone wants. Secondly, spending time together with family in the open air doing something exciting helps unite all family members of different generations.
That’s where I’d like to end/That is all I wanted to say.

Say which way of spending time with your family you’d prefer. Explain why.To draw to a close

Слайд 12Full Answer
I am going to compare and contrast these two pictures.

The very first impression I have looking at them is positive.
I’ d like to start by saying that the theme that relates these two photos is spending time with family. The first picture shows a boy and his grandfather watching something on TV or on the screen of a computer at home. In the second picture I can see a family of five who are posing for their photo in the open air. They are probably, in a ski resort.
As far as I can judge, these two photos have something in common. A striking similarity is that both pictures show people spending their free time. An additional similarity is that in P1 and P2 I can see family members of different generations.
However, these two photos differ from each other. A more subtle difference between photo 1 and photo 2 that I can see is a number of people. In photo 1 I can see only two people, a boy and his grandfather, whereas in photo two I can see an extended family which consists of children, parents and a grandparent. An additional difference is the pace where the photos were taken. In the first photo the people are at home in cozy atmosphere while people in the second photo are in the open air. The atmosphere is cheerful in the second photo.
To draw to a close I’d like to say that I’d prefer to spend time with my family in an active way as it is depicted in P1. That is because of some reasons. Firstly, in our everyday life we spend almost all our free time sitting at home watching TV or doing what everyone wants. Secondly, spending time together with family in the open air doing something exciting helps unite all family members of different generations.
That’s where I’d like to end.
Full AnswerI am going to compare and contrast these two pictures. The very first impression I have

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