Презентация, доклад на тему Города Татарстана- Елабуга

Elabuga is a nice quiet town on the right bank of the Kama river. The distance from Kazan is about 210 km; the town is situated in the North-East of the Tatarstan republic. The town gets

Слайд 1Welcome to Elabuga

Welcome to Elabuga

Слайд 2

Elabuga is a nice quiet town on the right bank of

the Kama river. The distance from Kazan is about 210 km; the town is situated in the North-East of the Tatarstan republic. The town gets more and more tourists every year.
Elabuga is a nice quiet town on the right bank of the Kama river. The distance from

Слайд 3Elabuga is the biggest tourist center of the Republic of Tatarstan,

the town with a thousand years of history.
Elabuga is the biggest tourist center of the Republic of Tatarstan, the town with a thousand years

Слайд 4There are a lot of historical places to visit
Devil's tower is an

ancient and mysterious monument.

Devil's tower is an ancient and mysterious monument. It has several curious legends .One of the legend says  “... this building for sure was built by Devil, there are notes about this in spiritual direction and that the castle really was besieged by some strong man, whose leg was cut off, and it is still kept on the porch of the church”.

There are a lot of historical places to visitDevil's tower is an ancient and mysterious  monument.Devil's

Слайд 5The monument to the founder of Elabuga
Near the ruins of an

ancient fortification known as the Devil’s Mound stands a monument to the Bulgar Emir .He ruled Volga Bulgaria from 1006 to 1026, during which time the city of Elabuga was founded on the Kama River. Elabuga’s residents have done a lot to study the ruins of Bulgarian settlements carefully. For this reason Elabuga is deserved to be called the museum capital of Tatarstan.
The monument to the founder of ElabugaNear the ruins of an ancient fortification known as the Devil’s

Слайд 6Elabuga is a city of outstanding people…

Elabuga gave the world the

famous painter IvanShishkin, 
the first woman-warrior in Russia, cavalry-woman Nadezhda Durova, 
famous psychiatrist V. M. Behterev.
the great Russian poetess
Marina Tsvetaeva
Elabuga is a city of outstanding people…Elabuga gave the world the famous painter IvanShishkin, the first woman-warrior in Russia, cavalry-woman Nadezhda Durova, famous

Слайд 7Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin - one of the most famous Russian artists.

40 years of his artistic activity Ivan Shishkin produced hundreds of paintings, thousands of drawings and a large number of engravings. He’d always preferred drawing day-time scenes, full of sunlight and life.
Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin -  one of the most famous Russian artists.During 40 years of his artistic

Слайд 8 Every visitor can see the Shishkin’s Memorial near the museum. The

Shishkin’s Museum is one of the most famous places in the town. The Shishkin’s house was built nearly 150 years ago. In 1850 the house was rebuilt. In 1946 the museum was opened in the Shishkin’s House. In 2005 the Shishkin’s ponds were opened behind the museum.

Shishkin's Museum

Shishkin's Memorial

Every visitor can see the Shishkin’s Memorial near the museum. The Shishkin’s Museum is one

Слайд 9Nadezhda Durova spent more than thirty years of her life in

Nadezhda Durova spent more than thirty years of her life in Elabuga

Слайд 10The Museum-homestead of N.Durova
The only museum in Russia devoted

to this heroic woman was opened in 1993 in memorial house. The exposition of the museum represents her whole life:her childhood, military service, literary activity, her life in Elabuga and materials about her descendants.
The Museum-homestead of N.Durova  The only museum in Russia devoted to this heroic woman was opened

Слайд 11 The great Russian poetess Marina Tsvetaeva.

Now the Tsvetaeva’s

monument is in Elabuga. The museum has lately been reconstructed and the Memorial opened in 2003.
The great Russian poetess Marina Tsvetaeva.  Now the Tsvetaeva’s monument is in Elabuga. The museum

Слайд 12 The Museum of District Medicine named after V.M. Bekhterev
If you

travel along one of the main avenues of the city – Neftyannikov Avenue, you cannot notice the museum of district medicine of V.M. Bekhterev and the monument to 
V.M. Bekhterev
The Museum of District Medicine named after V.M. BekhterevIf you travel along one of the main

Слайд 13Elabuga is not only history and monuments, not only beautiful nature

and mysterious myths, but also a rather modern town with developed infrastructure and branch of tourism, rest and entertainment…
Elabuga is not only history and monuments, not only beautiful nature and mysterious myths, but also a

Слайд 14Thank you for your

Thank you for your attention!

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