Презентация, доклад на тему Глагол английского языка/ The English Verb

Verb as a Part of Speech.Features of the Verbs.The Types of Verbs.Morphological classification.Syntactic classification.Grammatical classification.Contents.

Слайд 1Подготовил: учитель английского языка
Лихач Евгений Игоревич

General characteristics of the Verb

a part of speech.
Подготовил: учитель английского языкаЛихач Евгений Игоревич2012г.General characteristics of the Verb as a part of speech.

Слайд 2Verb as a Part of Speech.
Features of the Verbs.
The Types of


Morphological classification.
Syntactic classification.
Grammatical classification.


Verb as a Part of Speech.Features of the Verbs.The Types of Verbs.Morphological classification.Syntactic classification.Grammatical classification.Contents.

Слайд 3Words like to read, to live, to go, to jump are

called verbs because of their following features.
1. they express the meanings of action and state;
2. they have the grammatical categories of person, number, tense, aspect, voice, mood, order and posteriority most of which have their own grammatical means;
3. the function of verbs entirely depends on their forms: if they in finite form they fulfill only one function – predicate. But if they are in non-finite form then they can fulfill any function in the sentence but predicate;
4. they may be part of the predicate;
5. verbs can combine actually with all the parts of speech, though they do not combine with articles, with some pronouns. It is important to note that the combinability of verbs mostly depends on the syntactical function of verbs in speech;
6. verbs have their own stem - building elements. They are:
postfixes: -fy (simplify, magnify, identify…)
-ize (realize, fertilize, standardize…)
-ate (activate, captivate…)
prefixes: re- (rewrite, restart, replant…)
mis- (misuse, misunderstand, misstate…)
un- (uncover, uncouple, uncrown…)
de- (depose, depress, derange…) and so on.

Verb as a Part of Speech

Words like to read, to live, to go, to jump are called verbs because of their following

Слайд 4Semantic features

Morphological features

Syntactic features
Features of the Verbs.

Semantic featuresMorphological features Syntactic featuresFeatures of the Verbs.

Слайд 5Notional and Functional Verbs

Regular and Irregular Verbs

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

The Types

of Verbs.
Notional and Functional VerbsRegular and Irregular VerbsTransitive and Intransitive VerbsThe Types of Verbs.

Слайд 6According to the stem-types:
Simple (to go; to swim)
Sound – replacive (food

– to feed; blood – to bleed)
Stress – replacive (‘import – to im’port)
Expanded (justify; overcome)
Phrasal (to have a smoke; to give a smile)
According to the way of forming past tenses and Participle II:
Regular (to study - studied)
Irregular (to make - made)

Morphological classification.

According to the stem-types:Simple (to go; to swim)Sound – replacive (food – to feed; blood – to

Слайд 7According to the nature of predication:
Finite (predicate or part of it

(if it is a functional verb))
Non – finite (subject; object; attribute; adv. modifier; predicative)
According to syntagmatic properties:

Syntactic Classification

According to the nature of predication:Finite (predicate or part of it (if it is a functional verb))Non

Слайд 8Tense
Voice (the active and the passive)

Grammatical classification

Tense AspectMoodVoice (the active and the passive)PersonNumberGrammatical classification

Слайд 9The End

The End

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