Презентация, доклад на тему From the history of Pribaikalskiy district для учащихся 6 класса

Kurbat Afanasyevich Ivanov?-1666He was the first Russian to discover Lake Baikal and to create the first map of the Russian Far eastHe created a document called "The Chart of Baikal and into Baikal flowing rivers and

Слайд 1From the history of Pribaikalskiy district Виноградова Т.К., учитель английского языка

МОУ «Нестеровская СОШ»
From the history  of   Pribaikalskiy district Виноградова Т.К., учитель английского языка МОУ «Нестеровская СОШ»

Слайд 2Kurbat Afanasyevich Ivanov
He was the first Russian to discover Lake Baikal

and to create the first map of the Russian Far east
He created a document called "The Chart of Baikal and into Baikal flowing rivers and lands…"
Kurbat Afanasyevich Ivanov?-1666He was the first Russian to discover Lake Baikal and to create the first map

Слайд 3

Kurbat Ivanov reaching Baikal in 1643

Kurbat Ivanov reaching Baikal in 1643

Слайд 4Спафарий Николай Гаврилович

Nikolai Gavrilovich Spafariy
1636- 1708
Traveler, Explorer, diplomat, philologist and geographer

Спафарий Николай ГавриловичNikolai Gavrilovich Spafariy1636- 1708Traveler, Explorer, diplomat, philologist and geographer

Слайд 5Даниэль Готлиб Мессершмидт
Daniel Gottlieb Messerschmidt (September 16, 1685 – March 25,

1735) was a German physician, naturalist and geographer.
Даниэль Готлиб МессершмидтDaniel Gottlieb Messerschmidt (September 16, 1685 – March 25, 1735) was a German physician, naturalist

Слайд 6 Рrotopope Awakum Petrov (1620 – 1682)
Путешествие Аввакума по Сибири. Художник

С. Милорадович, 1898
Рrotopope Awakum Petrov   (1620 – 1682) Путешествие Аввакума по Сибири. Художник С. Милорадович, 1898

Слайд 7Peter Simon Pallas
(22 September 1741 – 8 September 1811)

was a German zoologist and botanist who worked in Russia.
Peter Simon Pallas   (22 September 1741 – 8 September 1811)   was a German

Слайд 8 Map of Lake Baikal made by P.S. Pallas

Map of Lake Baikal made by P.S. Pallas

Слайд 9Ф. К. Дриженко генерал Корпуса гидрографов.
Ph. K. Drizhenko
(1858- 1922)
composed a detailed atlas

of the Baikal's depths which has been used many sailors till nowadays.

Ф. К. Дриженко  генерал Корпуса гидрографов.Ph. K. Drizhenko(1858- 1922) composed a detailed atlas of the Baikal's depths which

Слайд 10Circumbaikal Railway

Circumbaikal Railway

Слайд 11Pribaikalskiy district

Pribaikalskiy district

Слайд 12Pribaikalskiy district
Pribaikalskiy district was founded on the 12 th of December,

Its territory is 15472 square km, and the population of it numbers 28,700.
The center of the district is Turuntayevo 
settlement, situated 57 km far from Ulan-Ude.

Pribaikalskiy districtPribaikalskiy district was founded on the 12 th of December, 1940. Its territory is 15472 square

Слайд 15 Baturino village is known since times of Decembrists. Ivan Fedorovich

Shymkov is buried near the walls of the Sretensky monastery
Baturino village is known since times of Decembrists.   Ivan Fedorovich Shymkov is buried near

Слайд 16The Baturino restored Sreten church which marks 200 years in 2017.

The Baturino restored Sreten church which marks 200 years  in 2017.

Слайд 17The village Baturino is restored, new houses are being built, new

people come
The village Baturino  is restored,  new houses are being built,  new people come

Слайд 18Nesterovo
In one version the village was named in honor of

the founder of the village named Nestor, one of the pioneers of development of Siberia.
Nesterovo village arose by merging several villages: Plusnina, Puskareva, Tolstopatova, consisting of 1-3 houses.

Nesterovo In one version the village was named in honor of the founder of the village named



Слайд 20Erik Laxman
In the year 1751 Erik Laxman, Finn, chemist and metallurgist,

located in the Russian service, noted on the 150 kilometres journey from Ilyinsk to Goryachinsk several villages: Itancinskij Ostrog, Irkilik, Nesterovo, Ust-Turka and Khaim

Erik Laxman1737-1796г.г.In the year 1751 Erik Laxman, Finn, chemist and metallurgist, located in the Russian service, noted

Слайд 21Nesterovo today
5 streets, 500 people
1 - hospital, 1 - Library

- shops, 1 – post office
2 - petrol stations, 1- weather station
1 –phone station
1 – agricultural cooperation
1 – forestry, 4- sawmills
Nesterovo today5 streets, 500 people1 - hospital, 1 - Library 3 - shops, 1 – post office2

Слайд 22 Nesterovskaya secondary school named after Dmitry Dmitrievich Patrahin

Nesterovskaya secondary school named after Dmitry Dmitrievich Patrahin

Слайд 23Dmitry Dmitrievich Patrahin was born in the village of Baturino in

the year 1914 in the house built by the father, Dmitri Konstantinovich during the late 19 and early 20 century.
Dmitry Dmitrievich Patrahin  was born in the village of Baturino  in the year 1914 in

Слайд 24Dmitry Dmitrievich was awarded two orders of the Red banner, order

of the Patriotic war, the order of Glory "2 and 3 degrees, two medals" For courage "
Dmitry Dmitrievich was awarded two orders of the Red banner, order of the Patriotic war, the order

Слайд 25School building 1907

School building 1907

Слайд 26Спасибо за внимание !

Спасибо  за внимание !

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