Презентация, доклад на тему False Friends of Translator

The actualityThe goals and the tasks of the projectThe object, the methods and the subjectProject stepsWhat is the false friends of translator? Words related to False Friends of the Translator Conclusion

Слайд 1Муниципальное казенное образовательное учреждение Ордынского района Новосибирской области Ордынская средняя общеобразовательная школа №2

Школьный фестиваль проектов False friends of translator (based on) the student book Spotlight 6 by Virginia Evans & Jenny Dooley

Ordynskoye 2018

The project was prepared by:
Tyufyakova Ksenia and Kuznetsova Karina, 6 b form.
Tutored by: Ginoyan Anna Sergeevna

Муниципальное казенное образовательное учреждение Ордынского района Новосибирской области Ордынская средняя общеобразовательная школа №2  Школьный фестиваль проектов

Слайд 2The actuality
The goals and the tasks of the project
The object, the

methods and the subject
Project steps
What is the false friends of translator?
Words related to False Friends of the Translator

The goals and tasks of the work

The actualityThe goals and the tasks of the projectThe object, the methods and the subjectProject stepsWhat is

Слайд 3 While studying English we have noticed that there are words that

are very similar to Russian words, but in fact have a different translation. We thought that it could lead to misunderstanding of the text and its wrong translation.
That’s why we’ve thought about making a dictionary of false friends of translator to make it easier to understand the text and to avoid most of mistakes.


While studying English we have noticed that there are words that are very similar to Russian words,

Слайд 4The goals and tasks of the work
Goals of our project:
developing English

speaking skills through making the dictionary of false friends of translator
1) To examine our student book
2) To Look for false friends of translator and find their definition
3) To analyze data
4) To make a dictionary of false friends of translator
The goals and tasks of the workGoals of our project:	developing English speaking skills through making the dictionary

Слайд 5 The object of the project:
False Friends of Translator

The subject of the project:
the student book Spotlight 6 by Virginia Evans & Jenny Dooley

The methods of the project:
1) The method of Analysis
2) The method of synthesis
3) The method of an empirical observation

Object, subject and methods

The object of the project:	False Friends of Translator  The subject of the project:	the student

Слайд 6Project steps
1) The definition of goals, tasks and the actuality of

our project
2) The Definition of False Friends Translator.
3) Finding words False Friends of Translator and determining their meaning.
4) Data analysis.
5) Creation of a dictionary, and presentation.
Project steps1) The definition of goals, tasks and the actuality of our project2) The Definition of False

Слайд 7What is the false friends of translator?
The false friends of

translator are words in two languages that look or sound similar but differ significantly in meaning. The term was created in 1928 in France by M. Koessler and J. Derocquigny.
What is the false friends of translator? 	The false friends of translator are words in two languages

Слайд 8Words of False Friends of Translator

Words of False Friends of Translator

Слайд 12 Conclusion

So we achieved our goals and have made a dictionary of

the false friends of translator. The practical value of the work lies in the possibility of using the dictionary for English lessons .
Conclusion 			So we achieved our goals and have made a 	dictionary of the false friends of

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