Презентация, доклад на тему Электрический ток на английском для СПО

Contents:1. Electricity.2. The strength of the electric current.3. Voltage.4. Electrical resistance5. Ohm's law.6. Employment of an electric current. 7. Power of the electric current. 8. Joule -Lentsa.

Слайд 1Electricity


Слайд 2Contents:
1. Electricity.
2. The strength of the electric current.
3. Voltage.
4. Electrical resistance

Ohm's law.
6. Employment of an electric current.
7. Power of the electric current.
8. Joule -Lentsa.
Contents:1. Electricity.2. The strength of the electric current.3. Voltage.4. Electrical resistance5. Ohm's law.6. Employment of an electric

Слайд 3Electricity.
An electric current is called an ordered motion of charged

particles. For the direction of the current take the direction of the positively charged particles; If the current is created negatively charged particles (such as electrons), the current direction opposite to consider the motion of particles.

An electric current

heating action
The electric lamps fine tungsten wire heated to brilliant glow.

chemical action
In some solutions of acids, salts, alkalis while passing therethrough e. ie. there is the discharge of substances.

magnetic action
When the circuit is closed, the iron objects are magnets. With the disappearance of current in the iron object is demagnetized.

Electricity. An electric current is called an ordered motion of charged particles. For the direction of the

Слайд 4 The strength of the electric current
Amperage -electric charge passing through the

cross section of the conductor in one second.
The strength of the current is the ratio of electric charge q, passing through the cross-section, at the time of its passage t.
Unit current Ampere (A).
I = q /t
1 Кл = 1А х 1с
The instrument measures the current strength -ampermetr. It includes an ammeter in series with the device, wherein the amperage is measured.
The strength of the electric current Amperage -electric charge passing through the cross section of the

Слайд 5Voltage.
Tension is a physical quantity characterizing the electric field. It is

denoted by letter U.
Tension shows what kind of work does the electric field when moving the unit positive charge from one point to another.
U is equal to the work against the current at the site to the electrical charge passed on this site:
                                          U = A: q
The unit volt voltage named after the Italian scientist Alessandro Volta, who created the first cell.
                                     1B = 1 J: Kl
Voltage is measured by a voltmeter. It is included
the circuit in parallel to the device,
who need to measure the voltage.

Voltage.Tension is a physical quantity characterizing the electric field. It is denoted by letter U.Tension shows what

Слайд 6Electrical resistance.

Electrical resistance -physical quantity. Denoted by the letter R.
The unit

of resistance is the resistance of 1 ohm take such a conductor, which ends at a voltage of 1 volt current is 1 ampere.
                                   R = U / I
                                1 ohm = 1B: 1A
The reason for the resistance is the interaction of moving electrons and ions of the crystal lattice.

Other conductors have different resistance due to the differences in the structure of their crystal lattice, because of the different length and cross sectional area.
Electrical resistance.Electrical resistance -physical quantity. Denoted by the letter R.The unit of resistance is the resistance of

Слайд 7Ohm's Law.
The dependence of the current strength of the voltage at

the ends of the circuit and the resistance of this area is called Ohm's Law after the German scientist Georg Ohm who discovered the law in 1827
Ohm's law:
       The strength of the current in the circuit area is directly proportional to the voltage at the ends of the plot, and inversely proportional to the resistance.

                                   I = U: R

                                U = I R, R = U / I
Ohm's Law.The dependence of the current strength of the voltage at the ends of the circuit and

Слайд 8Employment of an electric current.
Employment of an electric current on

the circuit is equal to the product of voltage at the ends of this portion on the amperage and the time during which performs work.
       A = U It or A = U q

1 joule = 1 volt amperes x 1 x 1 second or 1 J = 1 x A x s.

To measure the electric current of work needed three instruments: voltmeter, ammeter, hours
Employment of an electric current. Employment of an electric current on the circuit is equal to the

Слайд 9Power of the electric current.
Power is numerically equal to the work

done per unit of time. Therefore, to find the average power of the current, it is necessary to divide the job on time: P = A: t
Employment of an electric current equal to the product of voltage and amperage for the time: A = U It, therefore, P = A: t = UIt: t = UI. 1W. 1Vh1A
Power of the electric current.Power is numerically equal to the work done per unit of time. Therefore,

Слайд 10Joule-Lenz.
The amount of heat generated by a conductor through which current

flows, the current is equal:
        A = UIt, Q = UIt, consequently A = Q.
Using Ohm's law, the amount of heat can be generated by a conductor, expressed in terms of current, resistance of the circuit and time. Knowing that U = IR, obtain: Q = IRIt.
This conclusion was reached independently by the British scientist James Joule and Russian scientist? Heinrich Lenz. Therefore, the conclusion stated above is called the law of Joule.
Joule-Lenz.The amount of heat generated by a conductor through which current flows, the current is equal:        A

Слайд 11Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!

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