Презентация, доклад на тему Экологические проблемы

In nature there are neitherRewards nor punishment-There are consequencesRobert G. Ingersoll

Слайд 1Выполнили:
Егорова Виктория
Гасанова Саран
Гариева Регина
Михеева Екатерина
Саломатова Дарья
Чупрова Виктория

Ecological problems

Выполнили:Егорова ВикторияГасанова СаранГариева РегинаМихеева ЕкатеринаСаломатова ДарьяЧупрова ВикторияEcological  problems

Слайд 2In nature there are neither
Rewards nor punishment-
There are consequences
Robert G. Ingersoll

In nature there are neitherRewards nor punishment-There are consequencesRobert G. Ingersoll

Слайд 3The reasons of ecological problems

The reasons of ecological problems

Слайд 4The pollution of air
Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enter

prises have appeared all over the world today.
The pollution of airLarge cities with thousands of smoky industrial enter prises have appeared all over the

Слайд 5A larger share of pollution of urban environment is motor transport.

Together with the growth of the number of cars is increasing the degree of air pollution.
A larger share of pollution of urban environment is motor transport. Together with the growth of the

Слайд 6The pollution of water
The seas are in danger. They are filled

with poison: industrial and nuclear waste, chemical fertilisers and pesticides.
The pollution of waterThe seas are in danger. They are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste,

Слайд 7The pollution of forests

The pollution of forests

Слайд 8 Forest burning
Vast forests are cut and burn in fire

Forest burningVast forests are cut and burn in fire

Слайд 9Killing of animals
Many people like hunting that's why they kill animals

and birds
Killing of animalsMany people like hunting that's why they kill animals and birds

Слайд 10Consequences:
Acid rains
The green house effect
Draughts, floods
Destruction of ozone layer
Disappearing of animals

Consequences:SmogAcid rainsThe green house effectDraughts, floodsDestruction of ozone layerDisappearing of animals

Слайд 11Smog
Many cities suffer from smog. The weather in Greater London had

been unusually cold for several weeks leading up to the event. The smoke and emissions were so heavy that residents referred to the events as ‘pea supers' because the fog was as dense as pea soup.
Smog	Many cities suffer from smog. The weather in Greater London had been unusually cold for several weeks

Слайд 12Acid rains
Some poisonous gases dissolve in water in the atmosphere and

then fall to the earth as acid rain
Acid rainsSome poisonous gases dissolve in water in the atmosphere and then fall to the earth as

Слайд 14The disappearance of animals

The disappearance of animals

Слайд 15The consequences of the Chernobyl accident
The consequences of the atomic power

station explosion are tragic for the people. Today we have a great increase in children cancer and leukemia. New sports of radioactive contamination are being discovered every year.
The consequences of the Chernobyl accidentThe consequences of the atomic power station explosion are tragic for the

Слайд 16Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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