Презентация, доклад на тему Easter


Слайд 1




Слайд 3
Spring, spring, spring The trees are green Blue skies are seen All the birds


Flowers are in the gardens Butterflies are there Flying round the blossoms Spring is everywhere!
Spring, spring, spring The trees are green Blue skies are seen All the birds singFlowers are in

Слайд 4

Sing a song of May time Sing a song of spring Flowers are

in their beauty Birds are on the wing!

Spring is here, spring is here! That’s what people say The birds are flying north again To wake us every day

Sing a song of May time Sing a song of spring Flowers are in their beauty Birds

Слайд 5The history of Easter (История Пасхи)
The name Easter comes from “Eostre” (the

name of the Saxon goddess of spring).
Название «Пасхи» происходит от «ОСТАРА» (имя саксонской богини весны)
Easter is a symbol of new life and the death of winter.
Пасха – это символ новой жизни и окончания зимы.
The history of Easter (История Пасхи)The name Easter comes from “Eostre” (the name of the Saxon goddess

Слайд 7 The symbols of Easter in Britain. (Символы Пасхи в


The symbols of Easter in Britain. (Символы Пасхи в Великобритании.)

Слайд 9
Hot Cross Buns
(горячие булочки с изюмом)

They are special Easter cakes

with a cross on it.
Это специальные пасхальные булочки с крестом.

The Cross is a symbol of Christ’s victory over death.
Крест – это символ победы Христа над смертью

Hot Cross Buns (горячие булочки с изюмом)They are special Easter cakes with a cross on it. Это

Слайд 11Eggs (Яйца)
Eggs are popular on Easter. Families meet and exchange chocolate eggs.

– популярны на Пасху. Семьи встречаются и обмениваются шоколадными яйцами.
Eggs (Яйца)Eggs are popular on Easter. Families meet and exchange chocolate eggs.Яйца – популярны на Пасху. Семьи

Слайд 12The Rabbit (Easter Bunny)

Children think that the Easter bunny brings eggs.

думают, что пасхальный кролик приносит яйца.
He hides eggs for children on Easter morning.
Он прячет яйца для детей на Пасху утром
The Rabbit (Easter Bunny)Children think that the Easter bunny brings eggs.Дети думают, что пасхальный кролик приносит яйца.He

Слайд 13Here comes the Easter Bunny

Here comes the Easter Bunny

Слайд 14Let’s have a rest!

Let’s have a rest!

Слайд 15Easter parade

Easter parade

Слайд 18
Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

Слайд 19Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

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