Презентация, доклад на тему Добро пожаловать в Великобританию

Let’s begin with the official name of the state. It’s The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland . It’s the United Kingdom for short or U.K The capital of the U.K

Слайд 1The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Слайд 2Let’s begin with the official name of the state. It’s The

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland . It’s the United Kingdom for short or U.K The capital of the U.K is London. Britain is the name of the whole country which consists of

Northern Ireland
( the capital is Belfast)

(the capital is Cardiff)

(the capital is Edinburg)

(the capital is London)

Let’s begin with the official name of the state.  It’s The United Kingdom of Great Britain

Слайд 4The country of traditions Tea-drinking
Some English customs and traditions are famous

all over the world.
My favourite tradition is tea-drinking.
Tea making in England is an art. The English know how to make tea and what it does for you.
Seven cups of it wake you in the morning; nine cups will put you to sleep at night.
If you are hot? Tea will cool you off, if you are cold, it will warm you up.
If you take it in the middle of the stimulate you for further work; if you drink it in the afternoon, it will relax you for further thought. Then you should drink lots of it in off-hours. In England they say jokingly: “The test of good tea is simple If a spoon stands up in it, then it is strong enough; if the spoon wobble, it is a feeble makeshift”.

The country of traditions  Tea-drinking Some English customs and traditions are famous all over the world.

Слайд 5Home Sweet Home

The English are stay-at-home people. There are many proverbs about home: “My house is my castle”, “There is no place like home” , “To London or Rome, hurry back home”. The English family prefers its own house to an apartment in a block of flats. Traditionally, it is a two - storied house with a lawn and a garden behind and in front of it. Usually in English home there is a fireplace in the sitting room. People are fond of sitting round the fire and watch the dancing flames.
In the Middle Ages the fireplaces in the halls of large castles were very wide. Only wood was burnt. Such wide fireplaces we may see in old inns, and in some of them there are even seats inside them. When people began to use coal, fireplaces became much smaller.
Fireplaces are often decorated with woodwork. Above the fireplace there is usually a shelf on which there is big beautiful clock and sometimes photographs.
Home Sweet Home         The English are stay-at-home people. There

Слайд 6Gardening
The English have love of gardens. Near the

houses there are always beautiful gardens with smooth lawns. Even the garage is hidden away so it doesn’t spoil the rural feeling. If we listen to the men’s talk on Monday morning in the office and in the factory. It will be about the best way of growing vegetables, fruit, flowers, bushes and other plants.
The English like to make different things grow. They grow things not only in gardens but in window boxes. They will make a garden everywhere.
Gardening   The English have love of gardens. Near the houses there are always beautiful gardens

Слайд 7Climate

Britain is as far north as
Canada’s Hudson Bay or Siberia,
yet the climate in the UK is generally
mild and temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream which brings warm water and air. The temperature rarely exceeds 32 or fall -10. Snowfalls occasionally and doesn’t remain for long. Rainfall is well distributed throughout the year. The climate in Britain is usually described as cool, temperate and humid.


Слайд 8Weather
The weather is so changeable that the English often say that

they have no climate but only weather. Therefore it is natural for them to use the comparison “as сhangeable as the weather” of a person who often change his mood or opinion about something. The weather is the favourite topic of conversation in England. The English also say that they have three variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon or when it rains all day long.
So, we may say that the British climate has some main features: it is mild, humid and changeable. That means that it is never too hot or too cold. Brilliant!

WeatherThe weather is so changeable that the English often say that they have no climate but only

Слайд 9Sport in Britain
Sports plays a very important

part in people’s
Lives in Britain.
Cricket, football, rugby, tennis, squash and
other kinds of sports are very popular in Britain. Such sporting
occasions as the Cup Final, the Derby, the Boat Race are watched on television by millions of people. Sometimes such events are accompanied by strong traditions. For example, Wimbledon is not just a tennis tournament. It means summer fashions, strawberries and cream, garden parties. There are many famous sport places in Britain: Wimbledon,
Wembley, Lord’s and
others. Almost every
sport is played in Britain
English people like to watch,
too. They came to watch games
in any weather.

Sport in Britain    Sports plays a very important part in people’sLives in Britain.

Слайд 10The workshop of the world.
Just over 200 years ago the first

industrial revolution began in Britain with such epoch-inventions as the stream engine and the first machinery for weaving textiles. Later, British inventors and engineers gave the world the first railways, steam-ships, pneumatic tyres, miners’ safety lamps, mechanical reapers, matches and many other things that now familiar everywhere.
The workshop of the world.Just over 200 years ago the first industrial revolution began in Britain with

Слайд 11Welcome to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Welcome to  the United Kingdom of  Great Britain and Northern Ireland .

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