Презентация, доклад на тему Дидактический материал для 6 класса по курсу внеурочной деятельности Практическая грамматика английского языка.


Слайд 1

Слайд 2Participles


Слайд 3Participle I (the -ing form)
to read – reading (читающий, читая)

stand – standing (стоящий, стоя)
to study – studying (изучающий, изучая)

Правила орфографии:
to make – making
to sit – sitting
to refer (ссылаться) – referring
to travel – travelling (в США “l” удваивается только тогда, когда ударение падает на последний слог)
to tie – tying

Irregular verbs

+ ing
playing - играющий

Regular verbs

Participle I (the  -ing form)to read – reading (читающий, читая)to stand – standing (стоящий, стоя)to study

Слайд 4Participle II (the III form)
to ask – asked (спрошенный, спрашиваемый)

buy – bought (купленный, покупаемый)
to give – given (данный, даваемый)

Regular verbs

built- построенный

+ ed
played - сыгранный

Irregular verbs

Participle II  (the III form)to ask – asked (спрошенный, спрашиваемый)to buy – bought (купленный, покупаемый)to give

Fill in the table.

LOOK, READ AND REMEMBER!Fill in the table.

Слайд 6Use Participle 1 or Participle 2 and translate them.

For example: to

stop - stopping - останавливающий
stopped - остановленный
to cut, to begin, to open, to play, to write, to give, to read, to grow, to print, to break
a broken glass - разбитый стакан
a raised hand - . . .
a drawn picture - . . .
a well-known writer - . . .
well-done work - ….
a badly-made dress - …
закрытая дверь - . . . a closed door
накрытый стол - . . .
оставленная тетрадь - . . .
разбитая тарелка - . . .
использованная чашка - . . .
хорошо одетая кукла - . . .
Use Participle 1 or Participle 2 and translate them.For example: to stop - stopping - останавливающий

Слайд 7Read the word combinations and give their Russian equivalents.
the girl talking

to Tom
the plane flying in the sky
the bird singing in the tree

the children swimming in the sea
factories producing food
people living in towns

Give English equivalents for these.

cмеющаяся девочка
играющие дети
падающие листья

улыбающаяся женщина
летящая птица
плавающая утка

Read the word combinations and give their Russian equivalents.the girl talking to Tom the plane flying in

Слайд 8Read the word combinations and give their Russian equivalents.
the story told

by my granny
the pictures taken in London
mistakes made in the test
the present bought for my brother

Give English equivalents for these.
оконченное письмо
написанное стихотворение
забытое правило

dinners cooked by mother
the ruined castles
the letters received yesterday

разрушенный город
приготовленный обед
разбитая тарелка

Read the word combinations and give their Russian equivalents.the story told by my granny the pictures taken

Слайд 9Copy out the text using just one adjective from the brackets.

I'm so {exciting/excited). I've just seen a very
(interesting/interested) film.

Liz: Really? What was it?

Bill: It was a horror film called The White Moon.

Liz: Oh, horror films are so {frightening/frightened).

I never watch them.

Bill: I'm (surprising/surprised), all my friends watch


Liz: Not me. I like romantic films.

Bill: I'm always {boring/bored) when I watch them.
Give me a good comedy or a horror film.
They are so (exciting/excited).
Copy out the text using just one adjective from the brackets.Bill: I'm so {exciting/excited). I've just seen

Слайд 10 Complete the sentences

choosing the right participle.

I could not read the names of some of the cities (showing, shown) on the map.
2. The channel (separating, separated) Great Britain from the continent is called the English Channel.
3. What is this part of the country (calling, called)?
4. Parts of the Great Wall of China (building, built) in ancient times can still be seen.
5. Potatoes (bringing, brought) to Europe from America have become very popular.
6. What do we call the continent (discovering, discovered) by Columbus?
7. Many ancient towns had strong walls (defending, defended) their inhabitants from enemies.
8. Most people (living, lived) in Scotland are called Scots.
Complete the sentences choosing the right participle.I could not

Слайд 11Look through the texts and find Participle I and Participle II.

Translate the word combinations they form:
The Midlands, sometimes called the heart of England, is a rolling, grassy plain in the central part of the country. Birmingham is the largest city of this heavily industrialized region. South and east of the Midlands the land rolls gently, broken occasionally by escarpments, or ridges.The flattest lands in the lowlands are in the eastern part of the lowlands. Mostly on the humped-shaped area called East Anglia. The inlet called the Wash is located off East Anglia northern coast. The Wash was once surrounded by flat, swampy areas, but it now has been drained out.Rolling chalk downs – areas of open hilly land overlying chalk deposits—are the main physical features south of the Thames River. The two largest are the North Downs and South Downs, which break sharply into the English Channel, forming high chalk cliffs, including the White Cliffs of Dover.
Look through the texts and find Participle I and Participle II. Translate the word combinations they form:The

Слайд 12Form Participle I or Participle II to fill in the lines

of the crossword:
Form Participle I or Participle II to fill in the lines of the crossword:

Слайд 13Horizontally:


Слайд 14Read the sentences from the cards and put the right word

from the brackets.
1. Не stood ... the match, (watched, watching)
2. I shall have dinner ... by 2 o'clock, (prepared, preparing)
3. We saw him ... to the hospital, (taken, taking)
4. The boy ... a book now is my friend, (read, reading)
5. She saw the ... child at that moment, (cried, crying)
6. They will see the work ... well, (done, doing)
7. Tom found ã ... letter at home, (returned, returning)
Read the sentences from the cards and put the right word from the brackets.1. Не stood ...

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