Презентация, доклад на тему День благодарения в англоязычных странах

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Слайд 1Thanksgiving day

Thanksgiving day

Слайд 2Slide title
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Слайд 3Thanksgiving day
It is a national holiday in Canada and the USA.

It is celebrated on 4th Thursday of November in the USA, and on 2nd Monday of October in Canada every year. This year Thanksgiving was celebrated on 8th of October and on 22nd of November.
Thanksgiving dayIt is a national holiday in Canada and the USA. It is celebrated on 4th Thursday

Слайд 4Thanksgiving day
In Britain it is celebrated too. But this day is

called as the Harvest day or Harvest.
Thanksgiving dayIn Britain it is celebrated too. But this day is called as the Harvest day or

Слайд 5Harvest


Слайд 6Harvest


Слайд 7Harvest


Слайд 8Harvest


Слайд 9History of Thanksgiving
This holiday was founded by the Pilgrims. They were

a group of English settlers who came to Massachusetts in 1620. The Pilgrims came to America because they wanted religious freedom.
History of ThanksgivingThis holiday was founded by the Pilgrims. They were a group of English settlers who

Слайд 10The Pilgrims came to Massachusets by ship named Mayflower.

The Pilgrims came to Massachusets by ship named Mayflower.

Слайд 11The city where they lived - Plymouth

The city where they lived - Plymouth

Слайд 12Plymouth


Слайд 13Plymouth rock

Plymouth rock

Слайд 14Plymouth’s Memorial

Plymouth’s Memorial

Слайд 15First time it was very hard. Many people died from cold,

lack of food, illnesses.

By spring they had nothing to eat ,so then Native Americans began to teach them how to haunt, to catch fish, to plant useful eatable cultures and gather the results.

First time it was very hard. Many people died from cold, lack of food, illnesses.By spring they

Слайд 16The first Thanksgiving was in 1621. The Pilgrims had a very

rich harvest.
The first Thanksgiving was in 1621. The Pilgrims had a very rich harvest.

Слайд 17Thanksgiving meal

Thanksgiving meal

Слайд 18The most popular food:
Sweet potatoes (batatas)
Pumpkin pie
Roasted turkey
Cranberry sauce or jelly

The most popular food:Sweet potatoes (batatas)YamsPumpkin pieRoasted turkeyCranberry sauce or jellyCornbread

Слайд 20Sweet yams

Sweet yams

Слайд 21Batatas with sauce

Batatas with sauce

Слайд 23Mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes

Слайд 25Pumpkin pie

Pumpkin pie

Слайд 28Cranberry


Слайд 29cornbread


Слайд 30Decoration for Thanksgiving

Decoration for Thanksgiving

Слайд 33Traditions for Thanksgiving
1. turkey“s mercy

2. Macy“s parade

3. song-writing

4. football match

5. sales

(Black Friday)

6. 3 weekends

7. dinner with family and friends

8. thank God

9. decorating the house

10. charity
Traditions for Thanksgiving1. turkey“s mercy2. Macy“s parade3. song-writing4. football match5. sales (Black Friday)6. 3 weekends7. dinner with

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