Презентация, доклад на тему Customs and Traditions of Scotland

Travel to ScotlandНовая лексика a colour – цветyellow – жёлтый blue – голубой white – белый black – чёрный red – красный green – зелёный brown – коричневый again — сноваa kilt – шотландская юбкаtrainers –

Слайд 1 Customs and Traditions of


Презентация к уроку “ About Scotland”
по учебнику “Happy English.ru” 5 класс М.Кауфман и К. Кауфман выполнила: учитель английского языка МБОУ «Умётская СОШ» Быкова Галина Викторовна

Customs and Traditions of Scotland   Презентация к уроку

Слайд 2Travel to Scotland
Новая лексика

a colour – цвет
yellow – жёлтый

– голубой
white – белый
black – чёрный
red – красный
green – зелёный
brown – коричневый
again — снова

a kilt – шотландская юбка
trainers – кроссовки
jeans – джинсы
a skirt – юбка
a shirt – рубашка
a dress – платье
a boot – ботинок
a sock – носок
a T-shirt — футбол

Travel to ScotlandНовая лексика a colour – цветyellow – жёлтый blue – голубой white – белый black

Слайд 3Travel to Scotland
Make up as many true combinations of words as

you can using the following words.

a) new        b) yellow    c) jeans
long             blue            a cap
big               white          a sweater
clean           black          a dress
dry               red             a T-shirt
old               green          a skirt
short           brown       a shirt
small                                socks
dirty                                 boots
wet                                   trainers

Travel to ScotlandMake up as many true combinations of words as you can using the following words.a)

Слайд 4Do Ex. 4. p.127.

Инины так и не заметили, что телеграмма опоздала,

и поехали в аэропорт встречать Робина. Обсудите, как можно найти  в аэропорту человека, которого вы раньше не видели, и прочитайте, какое решение приняла семья Ининых.
Listen to the text “At the airport” and repeat it after the speaker.

At the airport
Mother: Misha! Where is your friend?
Misha: No idea! He is only my pen friend.
Father: Read the telegram again.
Misha: Meet me at the airport at 11 p. m. today. My T – shirt is yellow, my jeans are blue, my trainers are brown and my cap is black. My sweater is  green. My rucksack is the colour of my tartan: red, green,  and black. Thank you. Robin MacWizard.
Father: OK. But the airport is big. Make a big poster with his name on it and walk around.
Do Ex. 4. p.127.Инины так и не заметили, что телеграмма опоздала, и поехали в аэропорт встречать Робина.

Слайд 53. Choose the right variant.

1. Robin’s T-shirt is
a) yellow   b)

red     c) blue
2. Robin’s jeans are
a) black     b) blue    c) brown
3. Robin’s cap is
a) white    b) black   c) blue
4. Robin’s sweater is
a) green     b) red      c) blue
5. Robin’s rucksack is
a) red, blue, green and black
b) brown, blue, green and black
c) red, blue, green and brown
3. Choose the right variant.1. Robin’s T-shirt is a) yellow   b) red     c) blue

Слайд 6Scotland
Towns and countrysides

ScotlandTowns and countrysides

Слайд 7Scotland
Scotland is a part of the UK.

ScotlandScotland is a part of the UK.

Слайд 8Scotland

It is a capital of Scotland

The population is 1,400,000

It is the

most beautiful city in the world
ScotlandEdinburghIt is a capital of ScotlandThe population is 1,400,000It is the most beautiful city in the world

Слайд 9Scotland
Edinburgh castles

ScotlandEdinburgh castles

Слайд 10Scotland
Thorny flower is a national emblem
National flag

ScotlandThistlesThorny flower is a national emblemNational flag

Слайд 11Scotland



Слайд 12Scotland
Loch Ness Lake
Loch Ness Monster

ScotlandLoch Ness LakeLoch Ness Monster

Слайд 13Scotland
Kilts are Scottish national clothes
A national Scottish costume

ScotlandKilts are Scottish national clothesA national Scottish costume

Слайд 14Scotland
Bagpipes are the national Scottish instrument
Sword dance is a national Scottish

ScotlandBagpipes are the national Scottish instrumentSword dance is a national Scottish dance

Слайд 15Scotland
The Highland Games

ScotlandThe Highland Games

Слайд 16Scotland
A national dish - haggis

ScotlandA national dish - haggis

Слайд 17Scotland
Ancient stones of Scotland

ScotlandAncient stones of Scotland

Слайд 18Scotland
Christmas tree
Christmas fireplace

ScotlandChristmas treeChristmas fireplace

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