Презентация, доклад на тему Climate change Environmental Problems on the Planet Earth

What lovely trees and essentially how beautiful life must have been near there.

Слайд 1Climate change Environmental Problems on the Planet Earth.
The theme:

БҚО. Теректі

ауданы Ақсуат ЖОББМ
Ишмухамбетова З.А..ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Climate change Environmental Problems on the Planet Earth.The theme: БҚО. Теректі ауданы Ақсуат ЖОББМ Ишмухамбетова З.А..ағылшын тілі

Слайд 2

What lovely trees and essentially how beautiful life

must have been near there.
Anton Chehov.

What lovely trees and essentially how beautiful life

Слайд 3Расширение кругозора учащихся об окружающей среде
Формирование и развитие поисково- исследовательской деятельности

учащихся ( книг, журналов, СМИ )
Совершенствование умения и навыков практического владения английским языком.

Ц ель урока

Расширение кругозора учащихся об окружающей средеФормирование и развитие поисково- исследовательской деятельности учащихся ( книг, журналов, СМИ )Совершенствование

Слайд 4Образовательные:
Аудирование незнакомого текста
с полным пониманием с излечением необходимой информацией;

о проблемах окружающей среды с использованием
пройденного грамматического материала ( Modal Verb ″should″, Tenses)
практиковать учащихся в обсуждении проблемных вопросов

развитие познавательных и языковых способностей
формирование навыков межличностных отношений
развивать фонематический слух

понимание сложности экологических проблем
и воспитание бережного отношения к окружающей среде;
воспитание интереса к английскому языку;
формирование умения коллективно решать задачи;


Образовательные:Аудирование незнакомого текста с полным пониманием с излечением необходимой информацией;Рассказать о проблемах окружающей среды с использованием пройденного

Слайд 5Учебный материал: карточки с новой лексикой;
слайды с новыми словами

и текстами к аудированию рассказа ;
выставка рисунков по теме «Защита окружающей среды»;

Оборудование урока:
проектор, магнитная доска.

1. Т. Аяпова,З. Абильдаева,
Ж.Тутбаева- учеб. для 11 класс
2. Т.Д. Кузнецова, П.Г. Козлов, учеб. 8 класс
3. Учебник Macmillan c CD диском

Учебный материал: карточки с новой лексикой;  слайды с новыми словами и текстами к аудированию рассказа ;

Слайд 6Ход урока
1 Организационный момент
Ознакомление учащихся с планом работы и введение

учащихся в тему.
Teacher: Dear boys and girls! Today we have an unusual lesson. We are going to speak about our planet the earth
Answer the following questions.
1. What is the climate?
2. What is the role of plants?
3. What kinds of pollution do you know?
4. Have you ever heard about Global warming?
5. What do you know about Global warming?
Climate is the weather a certain place has over a long period of time?
Plants produce oxygen. We breath oxygen and breathing out produce carbon
dioxide. If there is a shortage of oxygen , all living thing will dye.
There are air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and so on.
I have heard about Global warming and climate change in the word .
I think it means that countryside is polluted and it is one of the dangers that threatens the earth.

Ход урока1 Организационный момент Ознакомление учащихся с планом работы и введение учащихся в тему. Teacher: Dear boys

Слайд 8Global problem of our planet
Climate Changes.



Crowded Earth

Nuclear waste

Air pollution in Mega cities.

Why do we become ill?

Global problem of our     planetClimate Changes.Acid  rainCrowded EarthNuclear wasteAir pollution in Mega

Слайд 9In London today 20000 people took part in protest marches and

demonstrations as world leaders were meeting for climate change talks. The event as organized by the Campaign Against Global Warming.
The day started outside the US embassy with poetry reading and speeches. Protestors then marched slowly to Trafalgar Square, carrying banners and shouting slogans.
A group of protesters on bicycles made their way to 10Downing Street and delivered a letter to the Prime Minister demanding urgent action on climate change.
By there o,clock in the afternoon Trafalgar was swarming with people and buzzing with activity. There was a carnival atmosphere with music provided by a samba band, a New Orleans jazz band and Scottish pipers.
Most of the protesters marched peacefully, but a small group of people broke a way from peaceful demonstrators. They smashed shop windows and tried to set fire to a supermarket. Five people were arrested.

Climate change march

In London today 20000 people took part in protest marches and demonstrations as world leaders were meeting

Слайд 10Участие
Спрос крайне необходимого действия
Делать свой путь
Толпа людей
Tick unknown phrases, words and

translate them
УчастиеЛозунгиСпрос крайне необходимого действияДелать свой путьТолпа людейСлухиTick unknown phrases, words and translate them

Слайд 11In London today 20000 people took part in protest marches and

demonstrations as world leaders were meeting for climate change talks. The event as organized by the Campaign Against Global Warming.
The day started outside the US embassy with poetry reading and speeches. Protestors then marched slowly to Trafalgar Square, carrying banners and shouting slogans.
A group of protesters on bicycles made their way to 10Downing Street and delivered a letter to the Prime Minister demanding urgent action on climate change.
By there o,clock in the afternoon Trafalgar was swarming with people and buzzing with activity. There was a carnival atmosphere with music provided by a samba band, a New Orleans jazz band and Scottish pipers.
Most of the protesters marched peacefully, but a small group of people broke a way from peaceful demonstrators. They smashed shop windows and tried to set fire to a supermarket. Five people were arrested.

Climate change march

In London today 20000 people took part in protest marches and demonstrations as world leaders were meeting

Слайд 12
I group
II group

I group II group

Слайд 13Students:
I think the weather is changeable in Kazakhstan. The Earth

is warmed naturally by gases in the atmosphere trapping heat from the Sun. The Earth climate has changed considerably in the past.
. An increase in global temperature could lead to major problems for mankind
. Sea levels could rise, flooding low- lying coasts;
. Different weather patterns could affect agriculture and food production;
. and forced migrations of people could affect peace and international security.

Kazakhstan supports many tree- planting projects at home to promote good forest management. For example, “ Zhasyl el” movement.

Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbaev, The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan supports greatly a tree planting projects around Astana. A lot of trees have been already planted. As the result of this Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan has become a green city.

Students: I think the weather is changeable in Kazakhstan. The Earth is warmed naturally by gases in

Слайд 14Task 1. Complete the sentences below with the words and phrases

in the box.


anti don,t feel in favour really care support a) I,m not anti- cars- I just think more people should use public transport. b) I don,t about people. They can look after themselves. c) I,m of small family- run companies. d) I in responsible tourism. e) I,m cars in the city centre. f) I local farmers. g) I strongly about politics.


really care

don,t feel


in favour

Task 1. Complete the sentences below with the words and phrases in the box. againstanti don,t feel

Слайд 15What should we do?

What shouldn’t we do?
We should walk a lot We shouldn’t use cars a lot
We should keep the country tidy We shouldn’t throw litter into the street
We should grow flowers. We shouldn’t cut trees, plants
We should water plants. We shouldn’t burn forest.
Environmental problems and solutions

Task 2: Read and continue.

What should we do?

Слайд 16Task 3: Match the pictures with the phrases.

a bottle bank
__ a carbon footprint
__ environmentally- friendly products
__ global warming
__ mass- produced clothes
__ organic vegetables
__ a plastic container
__ public transport
__ renewable energy










Task 3: Match the pictures with the phrases.        a bottle

Слайд 17
I want to say all of you
Let ,s save our planet

A poem

I love you deeply, dear land,
Your hills and rivers, sand on
Your songs and dances, lakes and seas.
Your beasts and fish, birds in trees
Your sunrise in a splendid sight
Which gives me always such delight.

(A. Khusainova)

I want to say all of youLet ,s save our planet  A poemI love you deeply,

Ex. 14-17 p70
Ex 11, To write an essay about these

Ex 14 Read and translate.

Waiting results

HOME TASKEx. 14-17 p70Ex 11, To write an essay about these problemsEx 14 Read and translate.Waiting results

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