Презентация, доклад на тему :Chaikovski. Biography

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky can rightly be called one of the largest figures of Russian musical history. His legacy, as a composer, is represented as orchestral works, so pianistic miniatures. In addition to composing music, Tchaikovsky also

Слайд 1Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Слайд 2Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky can rightly be called one of the largest

figures of Russian musical history. His legacy, as a composer, is represented as orchestral works, so pianistic miniatures. In addition to composing music, Tchaikovsky also taught pedagogy, conducted orchestras and acted as a critic.
Петра Ильича Чайковского по праву можно назвать одной из крупнейших фигур русской музыкальной истории. Его наследие, как композитора, представлено как оркестровыми произведениями, так фортепианными миниатюрами. Помимо сочинения музыки Чайковский также занимался педагогикой, дирижировал оркестрами и выступал в роли критика.
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky can rightly be called one of the largest figures of Russian musical history. His

Слайд 3Date of birth of the composer - May 7, 1840. He

was born in a small village in the Vyatka province. Pyotr Ilyich was the second of six children in the family. Primary education of Tchaikovsky and his brothers and sisters was domestic. They were taught by the French governess Fanny Durbach, who was discharged from St. Petersburg. Child Peter Ilyich was fond of the history of life of Louis XVII and tried himself in poetry.

Music was an important component in the life of the family. My father played the flute, and my mother owned a piano, knew the harp a little and was engaged in vocals. The first lessons of playing the piano Tchaikovsky received from the former serf MM. Palchikova, since the French-governess had no additional education in the field of music.

In 1848, after the resignation of the head of the family, Tchaikovsky moved to St. Petersburg, where the future composer joined the boarding school. In the same period, there were piano lessons with the teacher Filippov, the first acquaintance with the musical productions in the theater. At the same time, the future composer got measles, which subsequently affected his health and was expressed in unexpected seizures.

In 1949, there was a transfer to Alapaevsk, and in August 1850, Pyotr Ilyich returned to the capital in order to obtain an education in the field of jurisprudence. In the summer of 1859, he graduated from college and was awarded the rank of titular counselor. Throughout his studies, Pyotr Ilyich continued to improve the game on the piano.
Date of birth of the composer - May 7, 1840. He was born in a small village

Слайд 4The list of works written by the composer is huge. It

includes a number of operas, ballets and orchestral concerts. Tchaikovsky also composed piano pieces, chamber and spiritual music.

His thesis work - a cantata "To Joy" for the same name of F. Schiller. The first operas of Tchaikovsky, Voevoda and Undin were later destroyed by the author, although the first work was published in the theater. "Undine" never went on stage, with several issues being included in later works.
The list of works written by the composer is huge. It includes a number of operas, ballets

Слайд 5Creativity P.I. Tchaikovsky was appreciated for his dignity even during his

lifetime. In recent years, he has been awarded several honorary posts, not only in Russia, but also in Europe.

Shortly before his death, Pyotr Ilyich finally settled in his Klin house, which later became a museum of the composer. November 6, 1893, while in St. Petersburg, he died at the age of 53 years. The cause of death was cholera. The grave of the composer is in the same place, in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Almost for 30 years Tchaikovsky created about 80 works. Now in his honor are named streets of many cities, theaters, as well as music schools throughout Russia.
Creativity P.I. Tchaikovsky was appreciated for his dignity even during his lifetime. In recent years, he has

Слайд 6 Конец


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