Презентация, доклад на тему Budget (8 класс)

The kinds of budgetBudgetBudget is income and expenditure balance.LocalFederalRegional

Слайд 1The Budget
Dimskaya Secondary School
8 Form

The BudgetDimskaya Secondary School8 Form

Слайд 3The kinds of budget
Budget is income and expenditure

The kinds of budgetBudgetBudget is income and expenditure balance.LocalFederalRegional

Слайд 4The areas of budget in Europe
social security- социальное обеспечение
transport- транспорт
law and

order- правопорядок
other expenditures- другие расходы
health care- здравоохранение
housing construction & environment-жилищное строительство и окружающая среда
defence- оборона
education- образование
industry, agriculture and employment-промышленность, сельское хозяйство и занятость
debt interest- проценты по долгам
The areas of budget in Europesocial security- социальное обеспечениеtransport- транспортlaw and order- правопорядокother expenditures- другие расходыhealth care-

Слайд 5Match government spending with an area of the budget
Teachers’ salaries
Two new

Five new hospitals
Unemployment benefit
2000 new policemen

social security

health care


law and order


Match government spending with an area of the budgetTeachers’ salariesTwo new tanksFive new hospitalsUnemployment benefit2000 new policemensocial

Слайд 6

The pie chart below shows the budget of a European

country. In which areas does the government spend the most? And the least?
The pie chart below shows the budget of a European country. In which areas does the

Слайд 7 1. The total amount of spent money is £333 billion

(100%). As you can see, £ 38 billion of the budget is spent on education. What percentage of the budget is that?
2. Calculate the percentages of money spent on different areas and complete the table, expressing numbers as if they are out of a hundred.
Number * 100/333
38 *100/333=11,4%

Calculating percentages

1. The total amount of spent money is £333 billion (100%). As you can see, £ 38 billion of the budget is spent on education. What percentage of the budget is that?
2. Calculate the percentages of money spent on different areas and complete the table, expressing numbers as if they are out of a hundred.
Number * 100/333
38 *100/333=11,4%

1. The total amount of spent money is £333 billion (100%). As you can see, £ 38 billion of the budget is spent on education. What percentage of the budget is that?
2. Calculate the percentages of money spent on different areas and complete the table, expressing numbers as if they are out of a hundred.
Number * 100/333
38 *100/333=11,4%

1. The total amount of spent money is £333 billion (100%). As you can see, £

Слайд 9Project
1st group. Find information about the budget in your country and

draw a pie chart.
2nd group. Give the information about your family budget and draw a pie chart.
3d group. Represent the information about your pocket money in your table.
Present your material to your classmates and teacher.
Project1st group. Find information about the budget in your country and draw a pie chart.2nd group. Give

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