Презентация, доклад на тему Ағылшын тілі пәнінен презентация Living plants 5 сынып

Let’s check your homework!

Слайд 1

Слайд 3Let’s check your homework!

Let’s check your homework!

Слайд 4Name the flowers
3 min.

Name the flowers _______________________________________3 min.

Слайд 5Name the flowers
_ Rose_
_ Daisy

Name the flowers __Tulips____ Rose__Snowdrops_Dandelion_ Daisy

Слайд 6REMEMBER!!!


REMEMBER!!!Rose Tulips DandelionDaisySnowdrops

Слайд 91)Tulips
2)Many people like roses, but tulips are my favorite flowers.
3)The tulip

is a beautiful flower. I would love to visit Tulip gardens in Holland one day.
4)But they say the birthplace of wild tulips is Central Asia.
5)The Karatau mountains in southern Kazakhstan are home to some of the most beautiful flowers.
6) 36 types of tulips are growing in Kazakhstan today. Half of them are listed in the Red Book.

1)Tulips 2)Many people like roses, but tulips are my favorite flowers.3)The tulip is a beautiful flower. I

Слайд 12I grow

We grow
You grow They grow
He\ She\It grows

For example: Dias likes flowers.

I grow            We grow You grow

Слайд 13Please, write about your flower

Please, write about your flower

Слайд 16Living

Living plants!

Слайд 17You are a flower or a tree what you can say

about yourself. Write down 3-5 sentences
You are a flower or a tree what you can say about yourself. Write down 3-5 sentences

Слайд 18Thank you !!!

Thank you !!!Good-bye!!!

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