Презентация, доклад на тему Астана


2. When was given the name Republic of Kazakhstan?

Слайд 1When was declared the strategy Kazakhstan 2030?
Answer the Questions

When was declared the strategy Kazakhstan 2030?Answer the Questions

Слайд 22. When was given the name Republic of Kazakhstan?

2.  When was given the name Republic of Kazakhstan?

Слайд 33. The biggest trade partners of

3. The biggest trade partners of        Kazakhstan.

Слайд 44. What program was established in order to develop Kazakhstan`s

4. What program was established in  order to develop Kazakhstan`s education?

Слайд 55. What was decided in December 1986?

5. What was decided in December 1986?

Слайд 66. When was given the name “The city of peace” to

6. When was given the name “The city of peace” to Astana?

Слайд 77. What is the highest scientific title of our president?

7. What is the highest scientific title of our president?

Слайд 88. What is the highest scientific title of our president?

8. What is the highest scientific title of our president?

Слайд 99. What is the highest scientific title of our president?

9. What is the highest scientific title of our president?

Слайд 1010. How do you think, will Kazakh language be one of

the international language?
10. How do you think, will Kazakh language be one of the international language?

Слайд 1111. When did Nazarbayev begin to rule the country?

11. When did Nazarbayev begin to rule the country?

Слайд 1212. What is the main aim of Kazakhstan 2050 strategy?

12. What is the main aim of  Kazakhstan 2050 strategy?

Слайд 13What symbol is it?

What symbol is it?

Слайд 14The symbol of happiness “Самұрық”

The symbol of happiness “Самұрық”

Слайд 15What building is it?

What building is it?

Слайд 16Pyramids


Слайд 17What building is it?

What building is it?

Слайд 18Ak Orda

Ak Orda

Слайд 19What is it?

What is it?

Слайд 20Bayterek


Слайд 21What building is it?

What building is it?

Слайд 22The Emerald Towers ("Изумрудный квартал")

The Emerald Towers (

Слайд 23What Mausoleum is it?

What Mausoleum is it?

Слайд 24Kozha Ahmet Mausoleum.

Kozha Ahmet Mausoleum.

Слайд 25
What picture is it?

What picture is it?

Слайд 26Central concert hall “Kazakhstan”

Central concert hall “Kazakhstan”

Слайд 27What building is it?

What building is it?

Слайд 28 Independence Palace

Independence Palace

Слайд 29
What picture is it?

What picture is it?

Слайд 31What building is it?

What building is it?

Слайд 32Railway Office of Republic Kazakhstan

Railway Office of Republic Kazakhstan

Слайд 33What building is it?

What building is it?

Слайд 34Residential complex “Grand Alatau”

Residential complex “Grand Alatau”

Слайд 35What picture is it?

What picture is it?

Слайд 36 Tower of Transport (lighter)

Tower of Transport (lighter)

Слайд 37What building is it?

What building is it?

Слайд 38Residential complex “Northern Lights”

Residential complex “Northern Lights”

Слайд 39What building is it?

What building is it?

Слайд 40Hotel “Beijing Palace”

Hotel “Beijing Palace”

Слайд 41Crossword 1. Which city is one of the biggest in Kazakhstan? 2. Which

mountain is located near the city Almaty. 3. The lake of east Kazakhstan. 4. Who is the first lady in Kazakhstan? 5. The country which congratulated Kazakhstan first with independence? 6. Which city is called in Kazakhstan “Green city” ? 7. The ancient capital of Kazakhstan. 8. In which city did Nazarbayev begin his career? 9. Which city was the capital of Kazakhstan in 1929? 10. The city of central Kazakhstan.
Crossword 1. Which city is one of the biggest in Kazakhstan? 2. Which mountain is located near

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