Презентация, доклад на тему Архитекторы Великобритании

Purpose: to Find out who are the architects of famous attractions in England.Tasks: 1.To study various sources related to the object of research;2. Read the literature on the topic and find information about the architects of

Слайд 1The architects of the English sites
Выполнила: Коннова София
ученица 6 а

Учитель: Сысоева Светлана Александровна
The architects of the English sitesВыполнила: Коннова София ученица 6 а класса Учитель: Сысоева Светлана Александровна

Слайд 2Purpose: to Find out who are the architects of famous attractions

in England.

1.To study various sources related to the object of research;
2. Read the literature on the topic and find information about the architects of attractions in England;
3.After analyzing the studied material to summarize the information.
4. Conduct a survey.
5.Draw conclusions from the study
Purpose: to Find out who are the architects of famous attractions in England.Tasks: 1.To study various sources

Слайд 3Architecture


Слайд 4The Eden Project

The Eden Project

Слайд 6London eye

London eye

Слайд 8London national gallery

London national gallery

Слайд 10British museum

British museum

Слайд 12Osterley Park

Osterley Park

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