Презентация, доклад на тему англоговорящие страны

New ZealandNew Zealand is situated to the south-east of Australia. It is located on big islands: North Island, South Island and Stewart Island, as well as many small islands.Новая Зеландия расположена к юго-востоку от Австралии. Она

Слайд 1English-speaking countries
English-speaking countries are: Great Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.


англо-говорящим странам относятся: Великобритания, США, Канада, Австралия, Новая Зеландия.
English-speaking countriesEnglish-speaking countries are: Great Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.К англо-говорящим странам относятся: Великобритания, США, Канада,

Слайд 2New Zealand
New Zealand is situated to the south-east of Australia. It

is located on big islands: North Island, South Island and Stewart Island, as well as many small islands.

Новая Зеландия расположена к юго-востоку от Австралии. Она расположена на больших островах: Северный остров, Южный остров и остров Стюарта, а также занимает множество маленьких островов.
New ZealandNew Zealand is situated to the south-east of Australia. It is located on big islands: North

Слайд 3New Zealand
The population of New Zealand is more than three million

people. New Zealand is a capitalist state and self-governing member of the Commonwealth.

Население Новой Зеландии составляет более трех млн.человек. Новая Зеландия является капиталистическим самоуправляющим государством и членом Содружества.

New ZealandThe population of New Zealand is more than three million people. New Zealand is a capitalist

Слайд 4 Climate

varies from a warm subtropical north of the North Island, to a cool temperate in the south and in the central regions of the South Island; In mountainous areas of New Zealand, the climate is severe, alpine. The average annual temperature is from +9 ° C in the south to +15 ° C in the north.
ClimateIt varies from a warm subtropical north

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