Презентация, доклад на тему 6 класс 6 юнит урок 2

Реальное условие IF - clauses

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Реальное условие IF - clauses

Реальное условие IF - clauses

Слайд 3 If it snows, if it snows,
what will I do?

What will I do?
I’ll go skiing if it snows.
That’s what I will do.
If it rains, if it rains,
what will I do? What will I do?
I’ll stay at home if it rains.
That’s what I will do.

If it snows, if it snows, what will I do? What will I do?

Слайд 4If + подлежащее (it) + Vs…

If it is frosty…
If it

is rainy…
If it is snowy…
If it melts… … will V
If it freezes…
If it snows…

If there is a storm…
If there is sunshine…

If + подлежащее (it) + Vs… If it is frosty…If it is rainy…If it is snowy…If it

Слайд 5Choose the right form of the verb
1. If it

/ tomorrow I / to the beach.
2. I think if I / to Spain I / Madrid.
3. If there / storm on Sunday my parents / to the country.
4. If it / frosty my father / the car.
5. If there / rain on Sunday my father / fishing.
6. If the weather / fine we /
on a picnic.


be sunny


will be


will go


will go

will see

don’t go


won’t go


will be

doesn’t drive

won’t drive


will be

doesn’t go

won’t go


will be


will go

Choose the right form of the verb1. If it    /

Слайд 6Transform the sentences
1. There will be sunshine tomorrow. We will go

2. The weather will be fine tomorrow. We will play sports.
3. It will be warm and sunny tomorrow. I will cycle in the street.
4. It will freeze tomorrow. I will not go skiing.

Transform the sentences1. There will be sunshine tomorrow. We will go swimming.2. The weather will be fine

Слайд 8
AB p.89

AB p.89

Слайд 9Examples of changes
It will be frosty tomorrow. = If it is

There will be frost tomorrow. = If there is frost…
It will snow tomorrow. =
If it snows…
Examples of changesIt will be frosty tomorrow. = If it is frosty…There will be frost tomorrow. =

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