Презентация, доклад на тему : The Real shakespeare.


Слайд 1The 22d of December. Thursday
Учитель по английскому

языку: Лобанова Ольга Вячеславовна
Гимназия № 1554
The 22d of December.      Thursday Учитель по английскому языку: Лобанова Ольга ВячеславовнаГимназия



Слайд 7Aims of the lesson:
Explore the life of Shakespeare’s London, his

life and work.
Develop your skills in listening, reading, vocabulary , speaking, reading.
Express your own opinion.
Aims of the lesson: Explore the life of Shakespeare’s London, his life and work.Develop your skills in

Слайд 8William Shakespeare was a famous English playwright. He did not go

to college. His plays have been translated into over 80 languages. His works contain more than 600 references to various types of birds. Shakespeare is the second most quoted English writer after the writers of the Bible. No portraits of Shakespeare were painted during his lifetime.
William Shakespeare was a famous English playwright. He did not go to college. His plays have been

Слайд 9EPISODE 1 London in the Past, the life in Shakespeare`s time, a

town where he was born.
EPISODE 1 London in the Past, the life in Shakespeare`s time, a town where he was born.

Слайд 10AR Guide

AR Guide

Слайд 11Video Episode 1

Video  Episode 1

Слайд 12AR Guide

AR Guide

Слайд 13 Timed Pair Share Clock Buddies

Timed Pair Share Clock Buddies

Слайд 14EPISODE 2

EPISODE 2 ParentsWifedaughter, son school subjects

Слайд 15Video Episode 2

Video  Episode 2

Слайд 16Simultaneous Round Table

Episode 2
Shakespeare’s father was a_____maker. And his mother, Mary Arden, was the daughter of a rich ______.
In Shakespeare’s time, girls from wealthy families sometimes were taught _____.
The school day usually started at ____.
In summer , the school day_____ at six o`clock.
They finished school at_____.
The boys at school had to speak_____.
They were punished if they _____English.
They had exams every_____.
They studied _____subjects.
They _____pens out of feathers.
The boys_____play football.
In stool ball, they used _____for a wicket.
Simultaneous Round Table           Episode 2  

Слайд 17Compare the school life of students in Shakespeare’s time with the

school life of students in the 21 century.

Timed Pair Share

Compare the school life of students in Shakespeare’s time with the school life of students in the

Слайд 18EPISODE 3


Слайд 19Video Episode 3

Video  Episode 3

Слайд 20
The river was crowded with ships.
They went to the Royal

Shakespeare found an acting company called the Lord Chamberlain’s Company.
They were very poor and performed for King Arthur.
Shakespeare acted most of the plays they performed.
The modern Globe theatre burned down.
Rich people stood in the Globe.
The actors didn`t play Gods, Kings and Queens.
The audience helped to create the atmosphere.
10) Girls played women`s roles
The river was crowded with ships. They went to the Royal Theatre.Shakespeare found an acting company called

Слайд 21

How many Shakespeare`s plays do you know?


How many Shakespeare`s plays do you know? 

Слайд 22What have you learned about Shakespeare?

What have you learned about Shakespeare?

Слайд 23Homework: Write a letter to your friend and tell about Shakespeare`s life

and work.
Homework: Write a letter to your friend and tell about Shakespeare`s life and work.

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