Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Do you know Kazan?

This mysterious Kazan

Слайд 1Валиуллова Лилиана Агзамовна, учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории МБОУ «СОШ № 170

с УИОП» г. Казань
Валиуллова Лилиана Агзамовна, учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории МБОУ «СОШ № 170 с УИОП» г. Казань

Слайд 2This mysterious Kazan

This mysterious Kazan

Слайд 3What is the official name of the country?
The Republic of Tatarstan

What is the official name of the country?The Republic of Tatarstan

Слайд 4What are the official languages?

What are the official languages?Tatar Russian

Слайд 5What is the prehistoric town located 200 kilometers away from Kazan



What is the prehistoric town located 200 kilometers away from Kazan called?BOLGAR

Слайд 6People say Bulgaria khan dropped a gold cauldron into this river.


Lake Kaban
People say Bulgaria khan dropped a gold cauldron into this river.The Lake Kaban

Слайд 7What is the oldest and prestigious university in Kazan?


What is the oldest and prestigious university in Kazan?Kazan  Federal University

Слайд 8A Tatar fortress that was destroyed by Ivan the Terrible.

Kazan Kremlin

A Tatar fortress that was destroyed by Ivan the Terrible.Kazan Kremlin

Слайд 9What monument is there outside the entrance of the Kremlin?

Musa Jalil

What monument is there outside the entrance of the Kremlin?Musa Jalil Statue

Слайд 10The tower where the Tatar Princes lived. It is the Kremlin


Suyumbike Tower

The tower where the Tatar Princes lived. It is the Kremlin pearl.Suyumbike Tower

Слайд 11The name of this bridge originates from Kazan’s thousand anniversary.

The Millenium

The name of this bridge originates from Kazan’s thousand anniversary.The Millenium bridge

Слайд 12What building is it?
The Tatar Academic M.Jalil Theatre of Opera and

What building is it?The Tatar Academic M.Jalil Theatre of Opera and Ballet

Слайд 13Источники информации gelio.livejournal.com https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki m.inkazan.ru/tag/dizaynerskaya-odezhda-dlya-musulman

Источники информации gelio.livejournal.com https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki m.inkazan.ru/tag/dizaynerskaya-odezhda-dlya-musulman

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