Презентация, доклад к уроку английского языка на тему Стили живописи

Painting Styles

Слайд 1Учитель английского языка Жакупова Жания Анварбековна
Модуль 3

Учитель английского языка Жакупова Жания АнварбековнаГБОУ СО КШИ «ЕКК»Модуль 3

Слайд 11
Painting Styles

Painting Styles

Слайд 13Idioms with “paint”

Idioms with “paint”

Слайд 14 Paint the town red -
устроить гулянку

Paint the town red -  устроить гулянку

Слайд 15 Like watching paint dry -
очень скучный

Like watching paint dry -очень скучный

Слайд 16Paints a grim picture of (smth) -
рисовать мрачную картину т.е. (описывать

ситуацию определенным способом)
Paints a grim picture of (smth) -рисовать мрачную картину т.е. (описывать ситуацию определенным способом)

Слайд 17 Paint(smth/smb) with the same brush (as smb/smth else)–
’Стричь всех под одну

Paint(smth/smb) with the same brush (as smb/smth else)–’Стричь всех под одну гребенку’

Слайд 18Match the idioms in column A to their definitions in column

Match the idioms in column A to their definitions in column B

Слайд 191. I don’t enjoy going to art exhibitions. It’s ……… for

Like watching paint dry
2. We had a great time last weekend. We went out on Sunday night and ….. .
Paint the town red
3. Don’t ……. George……. the rest of his family; unlike of his brothers he is actually quite nice.
Paint…. with the same brush as
4. He …….. what’s is like to be a young artist who’s trying to become famous.
Paints a grim picture of

Use the appropriate idioms in correct form to complete the sentence.

1. I don’t enjoy going to art exhibitions. It’s ……… for me.Like watching paint dry2. We had

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