Презентация, доклад на тему domestic animals

Domestic AnimalsCatIt is a domestic animal. Cat is little and fast. It likes fish and milk.DogIt is a domestic animal. Dog can be big or little. It likes meat.

Слайд 1Domestic animals
Үй жануарлары

Domestic animalsҮй жануарлары

Слайд 2Domestic Animals
It is a domestic animal. Cat is little and fast.

It likes fish and milk.

It is a domestic animal. Dog can be big or little. It likes meat.

Domestic AnimalsCatIt is a domestic animal. Cat is little and fast. It likes fish and milk.DogIt is

Слайд 3Horse
It is a domestic animal. Horse is big and kind. It

likes to eat grass.

It is a domestic animal.
Cow is big and slow. It gives us milk.

HorseIt is a domestic animal. Horse is big and kind. It likes to eat grass.CowIt is a

Слайд 4Horse is the most popular animal in Kazakhstan.

Horse is the most popular animal in Kazakhstan.

Слайд 5
It is a domestic animal.
Pig is fat and heavy. It likes

fruit and vegetables.

It is a domestic animal.
Sheep is light and kind. It likes to eat grass.

PigIt is a domestic animal.Pig is fat and heavy. It likes fruit and vegetables.SheepIt is a domestic

Слайд 6
It is a domestic animal. Goat is happy and full. It

gives us milk.

GoatIt is a domestic animal. Goat is happy and full. It gives us milk.

Слайд 7
It is a domestic bird. Duck is fat and slow. It

likes to eat grass.

It is a domestic bird. Cock is weak and little. It likes to eat bread.

DuckIt is a domestic bird. Duck is fat and slow. It likes to eat grass.CockIt is a

Слайд 8Назарларыңызға көп рахмет!

Назарларыңызға  көп рахмет!

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